spilling the beans

Start from the beginning

"MADE OUTTT??" she actually screamed into the phone this time, "you said kissed, kissed. not made out, those are different."

"how was i supposed to know does it look like i've kissed a person before, Mina?" i gave her lip, while also laughing

"he was your first kiss?" she gaped

i hummed, should he not have been?

"well, tell me, was it good?" she pondered

"was it good? don't even get me started..."

she let me blab on the phone talking about the oh so spectacular kiss, the sleepless night, the tension in the morning, him asking me to leave, all the way to my sappy walk home.

she occasionally gave her opinion, especially when he had asked me to leave, i cuss a lot but she said profanities i haven't even heard of.

after that she took my mind off of it for the next hour or two, we talked about anything tbh, long conversations on dumb topics.

she hung up because it was time for her to eat dinner, i felt lighter by the time i got off the phone, even if i dreaded tomorrow because i know i'm gonna be seeing Bakugo all day.

its fine though, a little smooch shouldn't change a thing.


i woke up at 6 to start getting ready to school, i went downstairs to find no Bakugo in sight, i took a shower and walked past the living room to go back to my room, still no Bakugo, and i came downstairs to eat breakfast to still not see him.

i haven't even gotten a text yet

it was time to leave and my mom came to kiss goodbye, she noticed that Bakugo wasnt here this morning and decided to speak up about it, suspicion coated her tongue.

"where is he?"

"where is who?" i bluffed

she smacked her lips and gave me the 'you're full of shit' look. "Bakugo, where is he?"

"heeee..." i thought quickly, not necessarily lying but also not telling the whole truth, "he couldnt make it."

"whats he doing at 6 inna AM?" she pried

"i don't know, hero things."

yup. hero things. great quick thinking Y/n.

she hummed, "tell him i said i miss him when you see him, it feels like its been forever." she said as she walked off

"love you hun!" she waved me off

i said i loved her back and left the house, it was a chilly morning and the walk went kind of slow, but when i finally got there i was welcomed by a mesmerizing Mr Aizawa staring me down.

he looked over to Bakugo who had already seemed to had been there for a while, he looked back at me and walked off.

"you were almost late."

"long morning," i smiled, "if you missed me you could've said that first, or hey, ya'know? common courtesy."

"im not your friend, im your teacher."

"you barely even wanna be that" i laughed, i dreaded having to walk to my seat so i attempted to procrastinate, he seemed to be enjoying his time with me so I don't think he minded. i can't see the smile he's keeping down under that stoic face of his, but I know it's there.

he glared at me, not cause i was in trouble, because in a way i was mostly right but there was also slight playfulness behind his black eyes.

"you got 3 seconds to leave me alone before you have extra homework."

"woah woah there buddy, slow your roll, if its space you want i'll give it to you" i backtracked, i turned around and made quick eye contact with Bakugo, he broke it just as fast.

He zoned out while staring at nothing and I made my way to my seat, you remember where it is?

Yea, right behind him.

I went to my seat, playing with my pens and waited for Mr. Aizawa to start class, but just before he did he looked over and noticed the tension between me and Kat. He looked at me, then him, and back at me, an imaginary question mark above his head.

He was always so observant wasn't he?



My phone is BROKENN, so this is my last chapter until it gets fixed since my phone has all my stuff for the book, like quotes and photos, and it's also 3 am and I have school in the morning.

cya 🤘

A Little One-Sided (𝐾.𝐵𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑔𝑜𝑥𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟) Where stories live. Discover now