Chapter 3: The Plan

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"So what is the plan." Yelled out the captain as Cleaveus took to long to tell him.

"I am still trying to make one." He said as he looked around the place.

It was just purple and green and there ground felt soft too soft.

"Everyone move!" Yelled out Cleaveus as they all started to move and watch as the ground beneath them tried to pull them under.

All of the men ran till there was no sign of danger. There in front of the men was a large door, this one was nothing like the other ones it was blue and was cracked open a tiny bit. Cleaveus opened the door a small bit to see there Sparpods messing around with buttons on what looked like a control panel.

"That is how we make sure the Siege stays in air." Said Cleaveus in a soft voice as he pointed out the control panel to the group.

"Well that is nice we should be able to pilot this thing somewhere? And how do you know that we will be able to fly the thing anyway?" Complained the captain as he was hesitant to enter the room.

"These creatures these Sparpods have a weak point on there chest if you can hit it they will explode and die." Said Rex as he loaded his gun. "Other wise bullets just bounce off of there hard shells."

"So they are bullet proof perfect that is just what we need." Said the captain as Cleaveus opened the door and held his pistol up aim right at the back of the Sparpods.

"ATTACK!" Yelled out the captain as he and his men ran busted through the door and opened fired.

Cleaveus took cover from the flying bullets and hid behind a small patch of green goo. There was a cross fire, but mainly just the bullets bouncing back they had not listened and just unloaded all of there clips doing nothing the Sparpods. Cleaveus pulled out his knife and ran behind them. These creatures have not the best eye sight and can't see behind them.

"Cleaveus what are you doing we got this!" Yelled out the captain as he watched one of his men get broken in half by the large claw attached to the Sparpods.

"I am trying to save you." Said Cleaveus as he dove under one of the Sparpods and stabbed his knife right the weak point.

Cleaveus ran from underneath it and ducked behind the green goo and watched as it exploded and made the other two explode as well. Then he was it the captain stared down his fallen soldiers he had no one left.

"What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO!" He yelled out as he ran over Cleaveus and swatted his knife away and started to strangle him.

"HEY get off of him." Yelled out Rex as he ran over to Cleaveus and the captain.

Rex tucked down his shoulder and nailed it right into the hip bone of the captain sending him to ground along withe Rex. They fought for a while till Rex got off of the captain and stood next to Cleaveus.

"You two are not soldiers and will never be one. You have no honor and no heart." Said the captain as he ran over to the controls of the ship.

"What are you doing?" Asked Cleaveus as he and Rex walked closer to him.

"I am letting this go, there is a star a few miles from here. I am going to drive this ship right into it." Said the captain as he grabbed the controls.

"But you will die and the ship it will be destroyed." Said Cleaveus as he started to leave the room with Rex.

"I will do what must be done to keep the secrets of the Siege safe." Said the captain as they heard something turn on loudly and the ground start to move forward fast. "Know go get back onto the Siege and leave there is not much time go!" He yelled to them as they left hte ship leaving him behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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