"Why you look sad? What happened?" Kinsley asked and I shook my head

"Nothing. And I'm not sad"

"Well we will meet y'all at the house. I'm bout to go run to my plug and get some weed. I told him I was coming after the game" kinsley told them and I rolled my eyes

"I hate riding with you when you go to meet him. He always looking at me weird"

"Well shit, I need some weed too. Kinsley be stingy with her shit" Jeremiah said and then they both looked at Kyran

"My daddy made sure I was straight" he shrugged which made kinsley look at him some type of way

"Of fuckin course"

"Cause he know I smoke. You the one that's always hiding like you scared or some shit. That man don't give a fuck bout what we do"

"Whatever.. we'll Jeremiah you wanna ride with me?"

"As long as ion gotta drive"

"Well shit. I'll meet y'all at the house" Kyran said as he lifted his shirt up some, rubbing his stomach "I'm bout to go get some food"

"What happened to kemoni?" Kinsley asked him

"Ion talk to that girl nomore"

"You was just talkin to her yesterday"

"Today ain yesterday"

"Well I guess I can ride with you" I told Kyran

"We'll catch y'all at the house"

"Ight" Jeremiah replied to Kyran and I followed him in the direction of his car as kinsley and Jeremiah headed in the other direction where she was

I crossed my arms as we walked, regretting that I left my jacket in kinsley's car at this point because it was cold even through this long sleeve shirt. Kyran looked over at me and I guess he noticed I was cold so he reached in his basketball bag, took his jacket out and gave it to me

"Awe look at you being so sweet"

"Yeahhh shut up" he rudely responded and I laughed while we continued walking "what happened witchu and lashaun"

I shook my head "nothing. He just said something came up so he wanna reschedule"

"Oh. Ight. So you good now?"

"Yeah. I really wasn't feeling it anyways so I'm not pressed or anything"

"I know you wasn't feelin it. But my question is why you was still gonna go if you knew you ain wanted to?"

"Because... all I do is work, model and stay up under my parents and even THEYRE tired of me at this point"

"Why you don't come to the house? You know they won't give a fuck"

I shrugged, looking at my feet as we walked and just as I looked up I ended up tripping over my own feet and almost bust my ass

"Oh shit" Kyran laughed which caused me to do the same

"Shut up. And don't tell nobody about that" I pushed him

"And you wanna laugh at Jeremiah. Yo ass clumsy too"

"I'm not clumsy. I've been literally taking walking classes all my life"

"Well I can't tell just now"

I sucked my teeth, as we approached his car. He unlocked the doors and we both got inside and eventually left. As Kyran drove he randomly spoke up

"Whatchu wanna eat?"

"I'm good. You know ion fuck with the stuff y'all eat"

He kissed his teeth "you act like a burger or some gone hurt you"

"It will"

"It won't" he said as he glanced over

"Kyran.. no"

"You gone eat one tonight"

"No I'm not"

Kyran slowed down and stopped, being that we approached a red light. He then looked over at me while I rested my head in my hand while my elbow rested on the door

"Not even for me"

I laughed then smiled, shaking my head "no. Not even for you"

"I thought we was cool"

"We are cool but I'm still not eating a burger"

We just sat there staring at each other and I don't know if he thought him looking at me was gonna change my mind.

"You trippin"



I burst out laughing at Kyran

"Cause ion wanna burger. A burger should be the last thing you need to be eating anyways. You just ran up and down a basketball court AND you about to go smoke"

"My body good"

I rolled my eyes

"Whatchu rollin yo eyes for?"

"Nothing Kyran"

"No. Say whatchu gotta say"

I let off a chuckle while turning to look out the window

"Why you turning yo head"

"What?" I looked at him again, getting in his face to be funny "you want me in your face?"

"Yeah" he answered sarcastically


"Boy what?" Kyran asked and I didn't say nothing. Next thing I know, unexpectedly Kyran just started to kiss me. At first I was kinda in shock and plus I didn't know what to do because I've never kissed a boy before but eventually I just went along and started kissing him back until we both pulled away

"What was that?" I asked as the light finally turned green and Kyran drove off with a slight smirk on his face

I just rubbed my lips together and looked out the window, tryina process what the fuck just happened. And even more.. why did I enjoy it this much?

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