➵"die then"

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y/n pov

"Your staying somewhere safe." Levi is in his regular stance of crossed arms and his usual resting bitch face.

"What the hell do you mean?" I give him a bewildered look. It was the morning after the whole betrayal of the two soldiers that took Eren and Ymir. Levi and Hange were gathered by Lily, Kane, and I. I was currently doing Lily's hair as she requested and Kane was knocked out as usual.

"I'm sure word is now spreading like wild fire at the government that your for sure the Crystal Titian and we're not going to risk you and Lily getting caught." Hange explains.

"Now we're concerned about Lily's safety? This is hilarious." I scoff.

"Auntie y/n I'm sure it's okay." She says quietly. I forget she's right here and very smart for her age. I take a deep sigh and put her hair in a quick half up half down. "Lily why don't you go feed Blaze? His favorites are green apples." I pick her up and place her back on the grass. I take an apple from my bag and hand it to her. "Okay. Can I take Kane?" She asks looking at the apple.

"Yes you may." I give her a smile, she gives me a quick hug and pats Kane on the butt.

"Kane let's go visit your friend!" She wakes Kane up and he looks annoyed. Despite the look on his face he stretches and follows the little six year old to the horses.

I then remove the smile off my face and turn back to Levi and Hange. "Now you were saying?" I roll my eyes.

"Oh here she goes." Levi tries to say under his breath but I heard him. "You got something to say Ackerman?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Can we not do this-" Hange began to say but Levi cut them off.

"Why do you always have to try and argue and fight our orders? You got no other choice than to fucking listen to us." He says.

I chuckle and even began to cackle.

"You serious? Ackerman I could fuck this whole place up and turn into a titian if I really wanted to the reason I'm not is because of her." I say getting closer to him and gritting my teeth.

His face doesn't change.

"You don't even know how the hell to turn into your titian Cross I'd liked to see you try." His demeanor doesn't change at all. It was pissing me off how the hell is he so calm?

"Fuck you."

"That would be fun." He says it sarcastically, but it caught me off guard. I roll my eyes and scoff.

"You think your so fucking funny I don't need this bullshit." I began to walk off.

"Die then."

He says it so calmly I stop walking and all I see is red. I turn back around and march up to him. Without thinking I punch the spit out of him right in the jaw.

It goes silent. I see soldiers now looking at us.

"Take me wherever the fuck Lily, Blaze, Kane, and I need to go to be safe but after I don't want to be anywhere near you Ackerman or it will be trouble....and it's not a warning it's a promise." I walk away to where Lily is and don't look back.

『Crystal Clear 』Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now