➵ "sorry"

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y/n's pov

I stroked Lily's hair as she lays asleep in my arms. We made it to our camp last night with the assistance of Captain Levi and Hange. I let my emotions get the best of me last night, but can you blame me? My best friend had a whole kid I had no idea about and now I'm her sole caretaker! I could barely take care of Kane let alon Blaze. But so far, Lily seems very mature for a six year old girl, she always uses ma'am or sir, she's knows when to speak at appropriate times, she asks very important questions when she doesn't understand certain things. Jessica seemed to bring her up well. Let's hope I can do the same.

Kane began to stretch and whined as he got up and got close to the bed. "You gotta go potty?"

He gives me a blank stare indicating a "yes" in his own way. I carefully place Lily onto her pillow so she doesn't wake up. I grab the brown hoodie Hange gave me yesterday and slipped on some slippers. I opened the door to see Levi as he was about to knock. "Levi." I say bluntly.

"y/n...I was just about to knock. I see your up early." He says a bit reserved and awkwardly. We didn't exactly leave on the best terms last night, so I understand the tension.

"Kane has to go use the restroom, plus I couldn't sleep that well anyway." I clear my throat.


"Was there something you needed captain or can I take my dog out peacefully?" I ask giving a slight chuckle, just to ease some of the tension. Despite his
unfazed calm demeanor I can tell he has some anxiety trying to talk to me. I'm good at reading people like this, I've had to deal with them all my life. My father was one not to show his emotions, but he was one of the most emotional people I know. His eyes told a thousand stories that his mouth couldn't.

"If you don't mind can I join you?" He asks.

"I guess I don't have a choice I'm assuming."

"You really don't."

"Thought so...come on Kane." I sigh, Kane puts some pep in his step as he makes his way towards the door. Levi moves out the way and let's me and Kane by. He closes the door and seems to pause to look at Lily.

We walk about 2 minutes away from camp and let Kane roam for a bit as we stand and watch him. "Sorry." He suddenly says.

"For?" I give no reaction. "My words last night they were out of line. I understand the stress and grief your currently under...and I didn't take it into consideration."

I give a slight chuckle. "Don't go soft on me old man..."

"Who says I'm old?"

"Your clearly in your 30s" you finally look at him crossing your arms.

"Then how old are you oh wise captain" he scoffs as he puts emphasis on captain.

"25....didn't you hear I'm one of the youngest Captains in the Scouts?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"I've heard a lot about you Y/N Cross. Many things." He says finally looking back at me.

"Ooooh I have a fan then?" You tease him a bit more. He still gives no reaction and begins to walk back to camp. "We leave out in 40, we're meeting up with the rest of my squad...also catch."

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