Louis quickly found the recipe book and began to put everything together, first mixing the dry ingredients together then the wet. What he wasn't expecting was for a tiny fist to let go of all the flour he gathered in his small hands all over his head. Gasping, Louis turned around just in time to see the tiny toddler make a run for the table, giggling away at his mischievous ways.

Louis chuckled but none the less grabbed a tiny bit of flour to return the favor, he swears it'll be all cleaned up before Zayn woke up. Louis hid behind the door frame, leading out into the hallway, waiting for the tiny tormentor to make his way out from under the table. Just was oliver peaked his head out, Louis let go of all the flour in his hand watching it rain down on the toddler, letting out a loud laugh as Oliver looked up.

Louis made a run for it as the toddler, jumped out and declared "I gonna get ou, wou!" Oliver ran towards Louis, letting out loud giggles.

"Don't think so bud!" Louis called out behind him, watching as more flour was thrown his way and landing on the floor.

Oliver gasped, and came to a halt letting out an "oooo, daddy gonna get maaaad."

Louis crept back around with more flour to throw at the toddler, only this time it wasn't Oliver but indeed Zayn that got a face full of flour. Oliver gasped and Louis' laughs quickly died at the look on Zayn's face.

"What exactly happened here?" Zayn asked calmly.

"Pancakes?" Louis replied.

Zayn just rolled his eyes, stepping more into the kitchen to inspect the damage. He groaned as his eyes landed on all the flour all over the counter tops and the floor as well as the flour in the hallway, "the way I see it is Louis, you're the adult here. Why didn't you put a stop to it?"

"Oli started it! He threw flour at me first!" Louis grumbled.

Zayn rose an eyebrow, "Okay, but you are the adult. All you had to do was tell him no."

Louis scowled at Zayn, "you honestly think it's easy saying 'No' to that face?" Louis questioned, pointing towards Oliver.

Zayn threw his head back and laughed, "He has his papa's features," Zayn smiled "was never able to tell him no and now he's passed it on to Oli!" Zayn chuckled.

"I highly doubt it wasn't just his papa, I'm sure most of it came from you." Louis scowled.

Zayn chuckled, because this was so Louis. Louis would blame everyone else but himself. It hurt to know that Zayn could still pinpoint Louis' personality, even if Louis himself couldn't. He thought it was funny that Louis couldn't tell that Oliver was a spitting image of himself but at the same time it hurt because this Louis didn't know about his actions and didn't know that oliver was indeed his. He was somewhat relieved, since he didn't have to explain to him how things happened, but at the same time he wished Louis would realize Oliver was basically him when he was little. The only difference it being that Oliver had Zayn's eyes, everything else was Louis.

Oliver ran over to Zayn tugging on his jogging bottoms, a sign that he wanted to be lifted, "it all Wouies fault, daddy. Ouie didn't do." He whispered in Zayn's ear, making the bradford born man, throw his head back in delight because again this was all Louis taking, blaming it on everyone else and taking no responsibility for his actions (only in occasion).

"I know baby, all Louis' fault." He whispered back, making the toddler giggle into his hand.

"Fine, fine. Since it's all my fault, no one's getting pancakes!" Louis fake scowled.

Oliver gasped, but turned to Zayn " I get pancakes daddy?"

Zayn chuckled, ruffling his sons hair, "Of course sweetcheeks. Louis doesn't make the decisions. Daddy does," Zayn smiled, throwing a toothy grin Louis' way. "'Sides Lou, you don't know how to cook to save your life last time I checked."

Louis grumbled, crossing his arms "last time I try to do something nice to you as a thanks."

Zayn smiled, "you're welcome Lou. You don't have to thank me."

Louis blushed, taking Oliver from Zayn's arms "I'll put on a movie for you to watch while, I help daddy clean this mess up, yeah?"

Oliver nodded, demanding that Toy Story was put on because "Unca Lili, ay it the bet."

Louis only nodded along, "there you go little man. I'll be in the kitchen with daddy." The toddler made no move to acknowledge the other man, too engrossed in the movie starting. Louis shook his head, smiling as he made his way out of the room and back to the kitchen.

Louis stood in the door way, trying to remember anything that can help him figure out what exactly is going on, but was cut off when Zayn snapped him out of his thoughts, " Everything alright Lou?"

Louis merely nodded and threw himself in Zayn's arms, whispering his thanks for helping him and "I just wish I could remember something."

Zayn nodded sadly, "it's alright Lou, I'm here to help and I won't rest until you remember."

Louis only tightened his arms around Zayn and nodded.

'I have to help him remember, no matter how much it'll hurt letting him go'


Anywaaaays , I hope you guys enjoy this and sorry for it taking forever !

~comment, vote, and feedback are always welcomed !

-Miranda ✌ xx

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