Impeccable Timing

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I was back at my sister's apartment.  I had caught news from her that Louis was coming over–in reality, she just told me not to come over so I assumed it was because Louis would be there.

Naturally, I went over there.

And of course, when I pulled into the parking lot, I instantly spotted the black Camaro from 1981 belonging to no other than the lovely Louis Ackermann.

And I got there just in time to see him remove his sunglasses and get out of the car.  Why don't I have a super hot boyfriend like that anymore?

Did I say anymore?  Oh, I meant... why don't.  Why don't I have a super hot boyfriend?


I parked my car in an empty space and met Louis in front of Jess's door.  "Oh, hey there Charlie," he said.

"Hi, Louis," I replied.

"What're you doing here?" he asked.

I shrug.  "I didn't have to work today, and I guess I was bored."

Jess opens her door, smile instantly fading when she sees me.  "Charlie," she says dully.  "What're you doing here?"  Though she didn't ask it like how Louis asked it.

"I was bored," I say.  Honestly, with Jess and me, it's like we're still teenagers.

"Can't you go to Nicky's or something?"

"Nicky's at work," I say smartly.

Jess sighs, accepting her defeat.  I follow Louis through the door.  Jess seems to have an idea once I'm inside.  "Hey Shar," she says sweetly.  "Could you do me a favor?"

I internally groan at my sister, but raise an eyebrow.  That's neither a yes nor a no.  "Could you go to the store and pick up some cigarettes?  It seems I'm out."

I frown slightly, but feel obligated under the look she's giving me.  I guess some people just never grow up... "Beer, too," she adds when I'm out the door.

"Maybe some food.  Take your time!"

I roll my eyes because in reality she's probably got several perfectly good packs of cigarettes in her drawer.  She just wants to be rid of me.  Nonetheless, I start my car and head off to the store.



I invited the guys over for a little jam session, like old times.  I know Joe has a perfectly good studio, but I wasn't actually planning on playing anything.  It's just we haven't really been together in like five years and I... miss them.

Actually, it was Joe's suggestion.  And when I told Lainey that I was inviting the band over she kind of grinned.  But then, just because I wanted to see her reaction, I added, "It was Joe's idea."

"Oh, really?" she asked, sounding almost excited.  "Neat-o.  When'll they be here?"

I shrugged.  "Prob'ly ten minutes or so," I said casually, seething inside because of her sudden spark of interest in this gathering.

And then after that, I told her I was going to go buy some beer and cigarettes and chips.

So here I am.  At the local grocery, avoiding eye contact with everyone and searching for the alcohol.

They were out of the beer we like, so that meant asking someone to get some for me.  Great.

I approached a skinny guy around my age, with dark hair to his shoulders.  He looked kind of depressed.  I sighed before opening my mouth.  "Hey, man," I said.

He looked up at me and I almost fell over.  I hadn't seen his face, for his hair was hanging down because his head was bowed, reading a book.  His eyes grew wide too, but he merely shook it off and said, "Hey."

"I thought you work at the studio," I found myself saying.

"It's an in-between type of deal.  This is apparently Level Four of Overcoming Alcoholism," he said dully.

I frowned.  "You mean, working in the liquor section?"

"Guess so," he mumbled.


"Yeah.  So what do you need?" he asks reluctantly.

I shake my head, remembering what I was here for, and trying desperately to not let the sight of him bring back some memories I've tried very hard to forget.  You see, this man, Nicky Vicky, is the best friend of Charlie.  "Uh, I– I need some beer," I stammer out.  "It's not on the shelf.  It's the Budweiser."

"Oh.  Yeah," Nicky says tiredly.  "We just got some of that in today.  I'll be right back."  He heaves a breath as he stands up, shakily stalking off to the storage room.

I pace around the isle as I wait for Nicky to return, thinking about the chances of meeting him here.  Like, what're the odds that out of all the places, I see him at the studio and in the store?

I lean against the counter where cigarettes and tobacco are sold; it happens to be right next to the alcohol part of the store.  I had my eyes on the doors Nicky disappeared through.  I was wondering what was taking him so long when a voice like a soft breeze through the Sunapee trees sparkled in my ears.  "Um, excuse me," she had said.

I jumped slightly, having not seen anyone approach me.  I glance over at the owner of the voice, about to apologize and move out of the way, but my breath hitched in my throat.

Once again, I found myself unable to breath and form words.  And I was actually rather dumbfounded at the beautiful sight before me.

Her eyes grew wide when she realized it was me of all people, but she instantly turned away, pretending not to recognize me.  She spoke to the woman at the counter, asking for a pack of cigarettes.  But her words were coming through a tunnel, and I couldn't even see the woman at the counter.  My line of vision was clear for only her.  She, who flipped my whole life around.

"Charlie," I found myself whispering, interrupting her chat with the lady at the counter.

Charlie didn't answer me.  In fact she ignored me.  And that was a bit upsetting to be honest.

I was about to say something else but–and man does this guy have horrible timing–Nicky found me, carrying the case of beer.   "Here's that beer for ya, man–" he began, but froze when he saw Charlie... And the fact that I was standing right next to her.  "Oh, god," he mutters under his breath.


A/N: yeh okie.  Vote and comment ((please)) and things only get more interesting from here so..............

pls don't hate me c:

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