When he'd asked where his mother had gone and Arthit had explained that she had left. His father beat him, really beat him. Arthit remembers crying in his room and holding on to the Lambie his lamb puppet. He'd kept it with him all those years. All of his mother's pictures were either burned or destroyed by his father it. Arthit had found a necklace at the bottom of her drawer it was silver with a few charms. A car with the number 75 on it a small little charm with the letter J on it and 2 silver flags. They were the only objects aside from her phone that he still had left. He only realized she'd left it behind when he'd called her and it had rung inside the drawer. He'd put it on silent right after not wanting his father to hear it ring if his mother called for him. 

Despite how hurtful it was to hear that his mother dislike him. Arthit had kept these treasures close. He might not have loved him but he did love her. He missed her and cared for her.  He always maintained hope that she would call that number. When she was ready to call him he knew she would. He hoped she would come back for him soon.

His father had forced him to quit school. But he didn't care much anymore. He wasn't good at it anyway. He wasn't good at much of anything these days. He had no will and each day that passed he lost more hope. 

Arthit had to learn to cook and he took over the cleaning of the house. Music was banned in their home especially the classics. Records that his mother had kept from old concerts of classical music she'd attended had all been destroyed. Old recordings of her performances when she was in her prime as a ballerina had all been destroyed by his father. Not a single trace of her was left. 

The next three years were hell for him. He had no schooling and had not been out of his house in 3 years. He feared loneliness and the dark and cried himself to sleep every night suffering anxiety attacks after beatings. It was all too much for him. 

No one questioned anything about him or asked because all his father had said was he had left with his mother. How could anyone question this when there had been no single sight of him in three years. 

Still, at 18 it was important that he fully register himself to know what his rank was. After all, that was when he would begin to develop and his wolf would awaken. He'd been afraid to broach the subject to his father but was surprised when he'd taken him out himself. Arthit had been afraid of the results. His father was a beta. His mother was a regular ranked wolf. 

When the doctor had spoken the words Omega he knew he was in trouble. His father had always wanted him to be a Beta just like him. But instead of being angry at him his father had smiled at him. For the first time in his life his father seemed truly happy with him. He stopped hitting him and started buying clothes for him and dressing him in nice clothes and he would feed him properly. Arthit stopped doing house work and when hed broached the subject of possibly going back to school his father had readily agreed. It seemed as though his father had found a stable job because he would leave every night and come back with a smile on his face. 

Things felt as though they might turn around for them both. Arthit still held hope that his mother might come back. Bit all that hope shattered one Saturday night. 

That night his father had told him they would go out an celebrate. He'd gotten a good job, and he'd just made the biggest deal of his life. He wanted to take Arthit out to dinner and talk about the possibility of him going back to dance. Arthit didn't know if he was ready but the fact that his father was offering him this chance meant that he finally supported him.

Arthit had been happy. He'd gotten into his father's car without thinking too much as he was happy. He'd thought his father would take him to eat at his favorite pizza place. But instead they drove for hours until they came to a deserted road and went into a large empty warehouse.

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