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The Volturi had fled, leaving the Cullen's and their friends in peace for the time being. Once it was clear they were safe, Jasper whisked Daisy away. His adrenaline was surging at the threat to his love, but now the enemy had fled, he only had one thing in mind.

They retreated into the confines of his room, relishing in the moment of solitude while they reacquainted themselves. Her sweet kisses soothed his tension, and the feeling of her bare skin under him felt like heaven. Her breathy gasps and moans were the same as he remembered, but now he didn't have to worry about hurting her.

They lay in his bed, their legs entwined together. Her head was resting on his bare chest as his fingers combed gently through her golden hair, her arm lung over his waist as she stoked the skin on his side. He was finally holding his entire world in his arms again.

"Marry me," he murmured against her hair. Her fingers stilled and she inhaled sharply. She sat up, shifting the sheet to cover herself. She looked down at him, a soft smile slowly tugging at the corner of her lips.

"That wasn't very romantic, cowboy." She teased him after a moment of silence.

He grinned devilishly at her before tugging her back down on the bed, flipping them over so he was hovering over her. She giggled at him; it was music to his ears. His hand trailed up her side, barely grazing her skin as he made his way up her arm and across her collar bone, where the faint, silver bite he gave her in the hours before sat proudly, marking her as his. His hand came to rest over her heart, and he pressed his forehead against hers.

"Daisy, my love. When I thought I lost you, the world fell grey. You are my sun and my stars, the only one who could show me the light in my dark existence. You told me I wasn't a monster, and then you made me believe it. When I thought you were gone, your memory was the only thing that stopped me from joining you. But now you're here, in my arms and in my bed. I can't let you go again."

Venom welled in her eyes at his sweet words, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"So, I'm going to marry you, and we're going to get a little cottage in the woods. You can spend your day tending to the garden and reading in the sunlight, maybe you can finally get that puppy you always wanted. And at night, in the light of the fireplace, I'm going to ravish you like a starved man."

He pressed a loving kiss to her soft lips and drew his hand from her chest and into her hair. "I love you, Daisy. No force on this planet is ever going to tear us apart again."

She raised her head and kissed him hungrily, her fingers tangling in the blonde curls on the back of his neck. He kissed back just as ferociously, shifting his weight to settle in between her legs. His other hand settled on her thigh, gripping it tightly; if she were human, he was sure she'd bruise.

They separated with unneeded gasps, staring into each other's eyes. Jasper was right, nothing in this world would ever take them away from each other again, they'd both fight until the end for each other. Their love was almost impossible to put into words; it was a raging fire that never burnt out, it was a rolling ocean that shallowed them whole, and it was an all-encompassing sense of home. 

They were home with each other, no matter where they were. As long as they were together, they didn't need anything else.

"Of course, I'll marry you." She whispered, then fiercely pressed her lips to his again. 

"ours may not be a fairytale love story, but it's still love. it's messy, passionate, and heartbreaking, but i wouldn't have it any other way. because it wouldn't feel the same without the turbulence of our burning souls and aching hearts."


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thank you all so much for loving this story and sticking with me. i love daisy and jasper so much, thinking about ending this book made me cry. i was going to write a long-winded conclusion, but these two don't need that. 

<3 thank you again and follow me for more short stories like this soon. 

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