"I do, but I don't think you do," he taunted.

"And how the hell would you know more than I do?"

He leaned in closer, stealing your personal space. "Did you forget, the boss knows everyone's quirk. He just needs to see them."

"He's behind bars, there's no way he's seen them," you lunged forward, but you didn't get very far. This whole beating around the bush thing was getting old fast.

Dabi grinned at your frustration. "True, but he is allowed visitors and it's really not that hard to get a picture of Japans top hero and his family. So what are their quirks?"

"You tell me, apparently you already know the answer."

Dabi stepped back, giving you some room to breathe. "You're daughter, Aimi, she can see anyones past, present or future. Nothing unusual. Just exactly like you thought it was. Kosuke on the other hand, well his is a little different."

Your teeth clenched and white hot rage burned within you as he said their names. He had no right to speak about them like he was some family friend.

"The registry says your son's quirk is déjà vu. That he can experience something right before it happens, but that's not really how it works. He doesn't just visualize the event like you or Aimi, he's actually experiencing it while it's happening and when he activates his quirk," Dabi snapped his fingers for effect, "he takes everyone back by a few moments. Starting the scenario over again."

You could only gawk at him. He had to be making this up, there's no way that's how Kosuke's quirk worked.

"That's not even possible. You're trying to tell me he can control time?" You asked incredulously. That kind of quirk didn't run in your family and you were almost positive it didn't come from Katsuki.

"No, he can reverse time. Only by a few moments, but it's entirely possible. How do you think quirks came about? Genetic mutation."

Dabi crossed his arms, gloating as you tried to process what he was saying. Gaining a couple of people for quirk experimentation was a plausible reason to go after your family, but it didn't really seem like the whole story.

"You've got me, so why continue going after my family?"

"Because we've only just scratched the surface. But if you want to hear all the gory details, first and foremost I wanted to keep the boss's plans alive," Dabi began his list of reasons for trying to ruin your life.

"Your boss is gone, get over it," you snapped.

He rolled his eyes, continuing his story despite your interruptions. "The boss isn't just some guy, it's an idea. A way of life so that people can be who they're meant to be. A world where there are no rules, no limits. A place of sheer chaos, anything goes and everyone's a villain in their own way. Heroes will have been eradicated like the disease they are."

His expression turned grim as he became all but lost in his own imagination of this world he was envisioning. "Which leads me to my second point, hurting you. I want you to break and fall apart for the crimes you've committed to the cause. How else could one accomplish this than by targeting the people you care about. Torturing your kids and taking their quirks was only step one. What I really want is to see the fall of the heroes and who better to start with than the best of them all? I can see it now, society losing all sense of reality as they watch someone so full of justice and morality plummet from the pedestal they bestowed to him."

He'd tripped you up again. Dabi was after more than just revenge, he wanted a way to set his plan into motion. Your connection to the hero community was the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone. But Katsuki wouldn't fall susceptible to Dabi's schemes, he was stronger than that, smarter than that.

Reckless and Explosive (BakugouxReader)Where stories live. Discover now