"You promise?"

"I promise."


It had been almsot 6 months since Catra and Adora had made their promises.. but thats not the point..

Catra couldn't believe her eyes at what she was looking at. Neither could the other kids. There were 5 eggs in a incubators set on a table. But not just normal eggs, Pokémon eggs.

Shadow Weaver and another woman were chatting quietly, once their chatting died, The woman looked at the kids with a warm smile.

"Hello, kids. My name is professor Hope. I want to give you kids an opportunity. To have your ever first Pokémon." The woman says. "Shadow Weaver was greatful to agree, as you all know Pokémon are our friends who..."

Professor Hope continued, Telling the kids what Pokémon was and how to take care of them. "Now, who wants to pick out their first Pokémon egg? They're all a mystery."

Before one of the kids could speak up, Shadow Weaver was the first. "Why don't Adora pick out first?" She gestured for the young blonde to come up. And Adora did.

Adora looked at the 5 eggs, all of them had different patterns but noticed two of them were same. "Are they all different?" Adora asked.

Professor Hope smiled, "Yes, expect these two." She pointed towards the two eggs that were brown and had light brown touches. "Can me and Catra have matching Pokémon's?" Adora begged.

"Uh, yes. You guys get to choose any way." The professor tells her. "Only if Catra agrees." Weaver added crossing her arms. Adora turned to look over at her friend with smile, "Hey Catra, do you want to have—"

"Yes!" Catra blurted excitedly.

After the kids had picked out their very own Pokémon eggs, Lonnie asks the professor. "When do they hatch?"

"Oh, that's a mystery.. but how to know when they're about to hatch is when they glow." Hope answers. Catra and Adora looked at their eggs which were inside the incubators. "I wonder what they will be." Adora gushed.

"Same.." Catra agrees, she couldn't stop staring at the eggs. "Well what do you think it will be?" Catra asked taking her eyes off the Pokémon egg.

"I think Furret or a sentret! The eggs almost have their color. What about you? Catra."

"I hope it's a rockruff, I always wanted one."

Days has gone by, it had been almost a week. Catra and Adora always checked on their eggs to see any progress. Professor Hope had also visited them to also check on the eggs.

Rogelio and Lonnie eggs had already hatched, And were playing with their Pokémon's. Catra and Adora hears Kyle gasped. They looked over their shoulder to see him holding his very first Pokémon. "Oh my gosh!" He squeaked happily. Professor Hope came to check up on his hatched Pokémon.

It had been two days. Adora and Catra waited impatiently staring at their eggs inside the incubators. "Please hatch!" Adora begged. Catra gave her a smug look. "I don't think begging will work."

"Do you wanna okay knight and Princess again?" Adora asked. Taking her gaze away from her egg. Catra glanced over at her. "Yes! I'm knight."

Adora scoffed. "You always the Knight! I wanna be the knight this time."

"Adora, my princess." Catra used her knight impression. "I will now..." she stoped when there was a sudden glow on one of the eggs.

"Adora! Look your egg!"

Adora egg was now glowing, they both stared in awe. Adora looked away from the her egg for a second and noticed that Catra's egg was glowing too.

"Catra look your egg too! I should get professor Hope." Adora suggested rushing out the room.

She came back with the professor, Hope began taking the eggs out of the incubators and laying them on soft towels. "They're about to hatch soon." She tells them. Catra and Adora watched as the eggs began to glow brighter.

The light had faded, what they were looking at was a small, brown fluffy pokemon.

"Would you look at that." The professor says. She examined both of the Pokémon. "Two healthy eevee's" she carefully handed the eevee's to their young owners.

"An eevee, Catra! Can you believe it!" Adora gushed petting the eevee which was laying on her lap. Catra stared at her eevee than back at adora's.

"Is mine sick? Mine looks pale." Catra says as she lifted her eevee up and receiving a small sound from the eevee. Professor Hope smiled, "Nope, your eevee perfectly healthy. They're just special in a way."

"Oh..?" Catra said, slowly putting her eevee down on her lap. The eevee stared at her than snuggled against her arm.

"Hmm.. I wanna call it Melog."

"Melog?" Adora inquired turning her head towards Catra.

Catra smiled back at her, "Yep, Melog."

"Melog is a wonderful name." The professor says. Adora glanced back at her eevee who was now sleeping peacefully in her lap. "Should I name her?"

Catra giggled, "No, your bad at names."

Adora scoffed, "You named yours Melog, and you say I'm bad at names?"

"Yep, that's what I said." Catra tells her, softly stroking Melog'a ear, who was now resting.

Adora playfully rolled her eyes and looked back at her eevee. "We are gonna be best friends forever." She says, slowing petting eevee.


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