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Your pov

When I woke up I could feel strong arms around me. "Bakugou, let me go." I whined.

He did not let me go, he was still dead asleep. "Let-me-go!" I twisted and turned until I freed myself from his grasp.

Since he was obviously dead asleep, and this was my room, I'm not leaving to change. I stripped myself of my shirt and was just in my purple laced bra from the shoot and shorts when I opened the drawer to pick out my outfit for today.

Bakugou pov

I turned over when the light turned on and tried to go back to my dream of fingering Y/n but I heard drawers open and decided I should probably get up.

But when I rolled over I was not greeted with the sight I thought I would be. Y/n was standing at her dresser, in her bra and shorts. With messy hair and half lidded, tired eyes. This image did not help the boner I already had.

"Good morning." I said, getting her attention. I must have startled her because she jumped and turned to face me, her boobs bouncing slightly with the jump.

"B-Bakugou!" She grabbed a random item from her drawer and held it in front of her to attempt coverage.

"You realize I've seen you in less right?" I smirked.

"Yeah but that was strictly work, we were being professional." She nodded firmly.

"There is nothing professional about what you do, kitty." Shit! I didn't mean to let that name slip. Just play it cool.

"We, now. You're in it too." She blushed. "And what's with the nickname?"

Well I was too far to back out now. I stood up and walked until I was less than a foot away. "I think it's pretty fitting, don't you..." I pushed the clothing she was holding out of her hands. "...Kitty?"

Your pov

That name sent shivers down my spine when he said it. Oh it's on. "Well then it's only fair I get to call you a nickname." I trailed my fingers up his chest and flicked my tail lightly on his neck. "Hmm, Kacchan?"

"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT!" He growled and pinned me to the wall behind me.

A look of fear flashed across my face before I remembered it was the same guy who comforted me last night. He wouldn't hit me. I only hope he didn't catch it. "Ok, Katsuki." I stood on my toes to whisper in his ear.

"Oh you'll regret that." He said closing in on me.

"Oh will I?" I took advantage of my cat-like agility and slipped out from under his arms, I quickly threw on an oversized t-shirt and slipped out the door. Before closing the door I told him, "Catch me if you can."

Bakugou pov

Oh that bitch, she has no idea what's coming for her. I opened the door to see Mina. "What do you want raccoon eyes? I'm looking for Y/n."

"I can see that. But what I want to know is why you're coming out of her room?" She put her hands on her hips and it was obvious that she wasn't going to let me go until she got a good answer.

"Ummmm." What should I say?

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