A Proper Lady Should Not Cry

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As the whole team, plus Ivan, arrived in the stadium Olivia thought it would be a good time to send a text to Kise. While Olivia pulled out her phone, Ivan was having the time of his life. Like a child, he would point out the large court, the number of people, and the upbeat music playing in the background. Kagami would talk to him and sometimes Kuroko would chime in with something to say, thankfully Kagami was there to somewhat translate for Kuroko. Olivia texted Kise 'Good luck on today's game, I'll be cheering for you <3'. It wasn't long before she would get a response back. 'Thank you Floris-cchi, I'll do my best!!!"

Everyone found and took their seat, and when they did the two teams entered the court. Olivia saw Kise and her eyes lit up. She grabs and shook Ivan's arms to get his attention.

(Grandpa look, that Kise-san. That one I told you about.)

Ivan squinted his eyes to look at who was Olivia was pointing at. His eyes landed on an attractive blonde male.

(A pretty boy isn't he.)

Olivia giggled at Ivan's statement, Kise is indeed a pretty boy. No wonder he works part-time as a model, he indeed has a pretty face. Olivia looked at Kise in hopes that their eyes would meet and sure enough they did. Her blue eyes met his gold ones. Kise gave her a smile and she gave one back, she also gave a shy wave. But their moment didn't last long when Kise was soon kicked down by his captain. She heard her grandfather bust out in a fit of laughter. Olivia gave him a disapproved look but she knew that he find humor in the oddest things, like the time her mother caused a kitchen fire when trying to use the oven.

And so the game started.

The ball was soon thrown in the air, Kaijou was the one to grab the ball first. Kise was in the lead but just as fast Aomine was catching up, Olivia looked in fear of the tan male. He didn't look like he enjoyed playing but it looked like he enjoyed crushing his opponents, what kind of man is he? Olivia pinched Ivan's sleeve while Ivan looked on with a great interest in both ace players. Kise was Olivia's friend but Aomine was indeed the better player, don't get Ivan wrong, he is willing to fight Aomine but he has to admit that the kid's skills aren't something to overlook.

Kise and his team played well but it seems that the gods weren't on their side today, it was an overwhelming win for Too. Dread came over Olivia, how can Kise lose to that man? Aomine, when she first met him all she thought about him was how perverted and mean he is. She refuse that he and Kuroko were friends. Kuroko is kind and gentle, he's also patient with her when she has trouble talking with others. He was the first friend she had in a long while, how can Kuroko be friends with Aomine? She has to go to him, she has to see Kise before he leaves.

"I'll be right back."

Before anyone could say anything Olivia ran from her seat to find Kise and his team. When Olivia was running she only saw the sight of Kise's face, tears coming from his gold eyes. Her heart wrenched from Kise crying.

She was finally at the locker for his team, but it seems that the lights were off. Olivia asked herself if they left, but before she could turn back she heard crying. It wasn't audible but she swore she heard it. She slowly opened the door and only saw darkness, was she mistaken?

"Please close the door."

It wasn't Kise's voice, but the voice of his captain. Olivia stood at the door unsure of what to do, should she leave or should she stay and help? Kasamatsu's cry soon became into painful sobs. Olivia slowly closed the door behind her and made her way to the captain while being careful with her steps in the dark. When she was sure she was near him and bend down to his level and gave him a hug, the same kind of hug Kagami gave to her when she had her breakdown. She stroked his hair and rubbed his back. In a soft whisper, she said

" You did your best, it's ok to cry."

Kasamatsu couldn't hold it in anymore, he grabbed her shirt, as if she was gonna leave, and just sobbed. He sobbed his heart out, his heartbreak, his failure, and everything in between. Olivia closed her eyes and just gave him a body to support the broken boy, a pillar to hold the crumbling roof. His cries soon became small sniffles but his grip on Olivia didn't loosen, he was afraid his only emotional support would leave. But Olivia's beating heart relaxed him and he soon found himself aware of the situation he found himself in, he was crying in the chest of the beautiful manager of one of his rival schools. He suddenly pushed himself off of her and crawled to the other side of the locker room, Olivia was spooked by his sudden action.

"I-I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-sor-sorry!!!"

Kasamatsu's face was undoubtedly red, insanely red that it puts the color crimson to same. Since the room was still dark, Olivia got up and slowly made her way to the switch to turn the lights on. When she did Kasamatsu's whole body flinched, he has to hide his face from her. He was already ashamed to be found crying by her. What does Olivia think of him? At first, she was afraid of him, maybe she'll be embarrassed by him? He would die from shame.

Olivia looked at him with concern, she started to rummage through her pockets to find her handkerchief to give to the older male but she couldn't find it. So with the next best option, she started to use her sleeve to help wipe his remaining tears, she did it gently so that the harsh fabric wouldn't irritate his skin. As Olivia was cleaning up the captain's face Kasamatsu was looking at her face. He wasn't admiring her beauty, he was looking at the bandages on her face.

"W....W-What happened t-t-t-to your face?"

He said in a meek tone but loud enough for Olivia to hear. She lightly places her hand on her cheek.

"I was hit by a basketball, but don't worry. I'm fine."

Olivia gave him a smile and resumed what she was doing. Kasamatsu's face then became redder and Olivia noticed it. But she stayed quiet, she understood being shy around the other gender is difficult to get over, His face was red from all the touching she's doing right now. The last thing she didn't want to do was to embarrass the male even further. As both of them stood in the empty locker room in silence soon came a loud gurgling sound. Kasamatsu looked up and brought to find out where that noise came from, but when he turned to Olivia all he saw was her coving her face in her hands and the tips of her ears bright red.

"Was......was that you?"

Olivia slowly nodded. Seconds passed by before Kasamatsu burst out laughing. Olivia suddenly stood up, her face red and her eye glossing over like tears were ready to come out.

"Please don't laugh! I....I....I haven't eaten yet!"

Olivia pouted her lips to look angry but right now all Olivia looked like to Kasamatsu was a furious bunny. He slowed down his laughter and got up.

"Sorry...............I haven't really introduced myself."

Kasamatsu started to rub his neck, he's horrible around girls and it's so bad that he can't even form a full sentence. But Olivia was different, granted she is indeed beautiful and she has that kind of aura that's kinda mysterious but right now her very presence calmed him, and dare he say it, he felt like he could hold a full conversation with her.

"I'm Kasamatsu Yukio"

Chapters would be slightly shorter for a while until I get my flow back, like I said....being an adult sucks!!!!!



A Proper Lady Should....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora