The Drive of Life

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(Photo credit not mine)

The Drive of Life

The desires of life are that of the common commuter

A wide open road

Tires gliding across the perfect pavement

Three lanes and yet you are all alone along the open highway

All the windows down

Allowing the wind to whip your hair

The perfect song

A sunset to drive into

We feel that we are important enough to have this

That the universe owes us

Owes us the perfect drive

Perhaps some of us are granted this luxury

Some may go their whole lives

With sunny skies

And smooth unblemished pavement

Others experience it for but a moment

On occasion

Others are hurtling toward that sunset

Their vehicles suspension snapping

As they pound the crumbled ruined pavement

They go too fast across a road that is unkind to them

Never realizing the damage

Until their tires deflate

And their car is rusted

It only ever appears to rain on their highway

Or snow

Or hail

Others sit in a perpetual traffic jam

Bumper to bumper

Horns blare and curses fly

Harassed for their indecision

"Go!" They scream behind them

Go where?

The path is unclear

It is filled with many others hurtling into nothingness

How would they ever navigate?

And so they sit

And the highway is never open

It is congested

Teeming with as much rage and hate as anywhere else

You never want to be behind

You could be left in the dust and exhaust of those in front

Leading is worse

The car behind riding you

Trying so desperately to trip you up

Pushing you to go faster and faster

You just want your own pace

The windows are down

But the wind whips your hair

And stings your face

Not even the song is good

Alas, it is Rush

I hate Rush

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