Be thee an angel or be thee a devil?

11 4 0

Since I have known you, I have longed to ask,

Where it is that your loyalties lie?

You are so captivating, so breath taking

Yet, I cannot decide what it is that you are

Your words are light and sweet

Such a treat to hear

As you whisper them in my ear

Your heart is golden

You yourself are pure as snow

You are a flower 

Perfumed sweetness spill from your petals

You hold me so tight and so dear

I never have fear when you are near

You radiate warmth 

Saving me from the coldness of the world

Offering refuge in your humble abode

You protect me and love me

But as you hold me, you choke me

Your golden heart bleeds black

Your eyes of green hold so much mean

Your words as light and sweet as they are,

Leave a sour taste in my mouth

They bite back as I drink them in

The perfume of your petals is a poison

I fall into the void as the smell reaches me

Your warmth scorches to the touch

You love me and then you burn me

You have saved me from the world 

Only to torture me yourself

Oh, to be tortured by you

You dry the tears that you have caused

I ask you

I implore you

Just what are you

Be thee an angel

Or be thee a devil?

You comfort as you hurt

Love as you hate

You have a halo

But your wings are darkened by the shadows you lurk in

Why do you hurt me?

As you tell me you love me so

You cannot be so wonderful

And cause so much grief 

But I cannot place you

You are neither an angel

Nor a devil

Too much contradiction 

Lies within your complex

To say for sure

Perhaps I may have judged you unfairly

I demand from you an absolute

Absolute good


Absolute evil

I demand this of you unjustly

In a world of gray

I ask you to be black or white

I do not allow of you your mistakes

There are too many flecks of dirt 

On your whitened frock

Are you an angel?

Or a devil


You are neither

I have forgotten

You are but


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