The Misadventures of a Traveling Goblin

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Alp didn't stop walking till the first golden rays of sunshine hit his back. He was now located deeper inside the Kolob kingdom, this time he was closer to the pegamos border. By the end of the night, he finally made it out of Solist, the patches of Ceilist now few and far between. Although there was no immediate threat in sight, Alp made sure to travel along the thickest parts of the local greenery. The last thing he needed right now was to get captured. They also had better water irrigation systems we could drink from. He filled his small water bag, another thing that miraculously survived instead of his arm.

He was lucky he had even made it this far, traveling between these lands was dangerous enough, but here he was even missing an arm to top it off. Whatever was going on was definitely affecting the surrounding countries, he wasn't sure how, but the security seemed very lax. So far he had only run into smaller wild creatures, nothing so threatening he should have much trouble with. His body was only sore from his now healed injuries, though he was still glad he wasn't required to run for his life so soon. After all, he had already been walking all night, who knows how many miles he'd managed to cover by now.
During his walk last night, Alp stumbled across a patch of wild crumpleberry bushes. He gathered some in his bag and ate some on the spot, tired from all the walking. He knew they weren't poisonous because his father always took extra time in their lessons to teach the boys about plants and herbs. Alp knew the basics, how to tell if plants were poisonous, how to make herbal remedies and healing ointments. He also knew how to extract certain poisons to dip his spear or arrows in, as well as making antidotes. Perhaps that's just the basics in his family.

His father never preferred violence, as a result his body was slim, and he wasn't strong in a muscular way. Having been a researcher for so long, Alvrin had an uncanny amount of knowledge. He was always studying, often coming up with new antidotes for the hospital he worked at in his younger years. Once settled down in the forest, that same knowledge translated into survival skills. Even though he wasn't traditionally strong, he could still protect himself and his family easily.

All Alp could do now is put his belief in his family, that they were out there, and that they were safe. They had to be, Alp didn't know what he would do if he lost them forever. He already missed them terribly, he hoped everyone made it to wherever they were safely. Although if he didn't manage to survive somehow, it didn't matter whether they made it or not.
The greenery started to thin as a clearing came into view. There were a few old, broken down buildings in sight, a human establishment by the looks of it. Some of the buildings lay in pieces scattered on the ground. The buildings that were still standing looked as if the wooden frames were half digested by termites already. With such damage done, the town looked abandoned, Alp decided this would be a good resting place. He needed to do some recon before he could relax though.
Staying low to the ground, he slinked about through trees and shrubs far enough in the distance to see, while still being able to stay undetected. He was taken by surprise when he saw a small child amongst the buildings. They had messy blonde curls around their ears, barely covered in the torn reminites of some sort of burlap sack. They stood there, their hands on their stomach.

"Mama, papa! I'll be full if I eat these berries right?" a shrill voice gushed. Looking into the child's hands, Alp could see a stick covered in deep red berries. Red was typically an indicator that a plant was poisonous. Alp watched in horror as the child began ripping the berries off the stick and putting them into their mouth. A few berries would be fine, luckily the child's parents seemed to be around if she was calling to them. At least that's what he thought until nobody came to stop the child.
Alp had to stop himself from screaming out, he himself was still in a dangerous situation. Although if nobody stopped the child soon, it would die. Alp looked around, the child called to its parents earlier, but they were nowhere in sight. In fact, no one else was around, it seemed strange. Why was the child alone?

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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