The Misadventures of a Traveling Goblin

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Goblins are typically very smart, when settled in safer areas, they usually gain a reputation for being quite mischievous. Young Alp however did not have the luxury to spend his time planning pranks, instead he was more often than not running for his life. Today he spent his time doing the latter. Tracking things was something his brother, Amos, usually handled. Alp was always the runner, the decoy, the one who could wiggle his way out of almost any situation. Still just a kid, he depended on his family for much. 

Ava, Alp’s mother, used to be an adventurer when she was younger, she would tell Alp and Amos wild tales from far away lands. She passed down her curiosity and strength down to her children. Usually goblins didn't have these traits, never really straying far from their homeland, but Ava happened to meet a traveling orc by the name of Verda. Sensing Ava’s lust for adventure, he let her tag along. It was during one of these trips she met Alvrin, Alps' father. 

Alvrin also had an unusual backstory for a mere goblin, he passed his intellect and humanity down to the boys. He came from the first city ever to allow humans and monsters to coexist, Lynrith. The city was eventually destroyed after the Church of Albath attacked it, labeling their peaceful practices a crime against god. While Alvrin lived there, he made great advancements in technology and science. If given the right circumstances, goblins can use their cleverness for far more than just planning pranks. He was one of the leading researchers for a hospital that took in both humans and monsters. 

Ava and Verda had gotten hurt outside Albath, both were seriously injured. Rushed into Alvin's hospital, Ava underwent multiple surgeries, but managed to survive. Verda was lucky and pulled through also, he repaid Alvrin for saving his life in training. The three of them spent six months together in Lynrith before the war broke out. They became quite close within that time, especially Alvrin and Ava. Amos was conceived just one month before the War, sad and excited all at once Verda left the group to continue traveling, while the other two decided to move to a forest rumored to be relatively safe for smaller monsters. 

Amos was around three years old when Alp was born. As the children grew, the couple made sure to pass their skills down. Amos took after his father, always tinkering with something. He loved inventing things, whether it be new traps or just mundane items to help around the house. Alvrin usually made Amos the leader for most of their hunts, always encouraging the boys to not be afraid of new things. It was a trap most goblins fell into, being too afraid to actually live life, Alvrin wanted his boys to be as free as he and his wife were at their age. 

Alp took after his mother, the heart of an adventurer was beating inside him. Alp did most of the fighting when they went hunting, years of training with his mother came in handy. Since he was still young there were times when Alp needed a little help, though less physically inclined, Amos never let him down. When the two teamed up they felt invincible. Amos used Alp as a weapon, coming up with the best, safest strategy to defeat the foe.  

As any sibling duo, as often as they fought together, they fought against each other just as much. Even when working together, everything was always a challenge between them. Who could catch the prey the fastest, who could hit the hardest, anything and everything they could possibly argue about. To the untrained eye, the goblin boys seemed to just be goofing around with each other most days. However this was not the case, the more the boys competed, the more skilled they got in return. They still had a long way to go before they would be able to rival their parents.

 Goblins were considered easy prey in the forest where his village lay. Close enough to the human’s kingdom to be considered a threat, while simultaneously being hunted by most of the bigger monsters who traveled too close to their village.  Amos created a new way of building houses underground, connected to a path of tunnels; anyone who wanted to get to their cave would have to go through a complicated maze. Goblins were known to be physically weak, luckily they were clever enough to keep hidden from most threats, especially alp’s family. Amos discovered  it gave off the appearance that a larger more fearsome animal had burrowed down into it, so most monsters didn't care to explore their little tunnels. He taught the neighboring goblin village how to build the intricate tunnels; it eventually became their preferred way of living.

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