The Misadventures of a Traveling Goblin

Start from the beginning

 They had been scavenging for food a few miles from their village, assuring that if they encountered a monster, or a roaming group of humans, they wouldn't easily find the whole village, trying to collect extra food for the upcoming winter. The area around the goblin village nearby was almost fully barren besides the few nuts hidden within the ground, so the family went a few miles further away from their home than they usually would. Snow was already on the ground as they picked what was left from the previous fall, they had to get every nut and berry they could to make it through the winter. The other inhabitants of the forest had also been searching for food in the surrounding areas of their village, the land that was once abundant now empty. With the food they already had preserved at home it had looked good for them, or so they had thought.

 A lesser demon by the name of Gerald had discovered the tunnel connecting their cave to the land above. He was quite pleased to find a very comfortable home in a good part of the forest in which to take a nap. casting a spell that allowed no one but himself within a fifty mile radius of the tunnel, he quickly claimed the surrounding area as his. He only planned to be there briefly, but he would make sure the seal lasted at least five years in case he needed a place to rest on the way back from his mission. Finding the child of prophecy was no easy task, he had already been injured earlier in his journey too. He needed to rest for a long time in order to recover. 

 Across that distance, a bright crest expanded on the forest floor, starting from inside the cave, and moving into the tunnel and out to the surrounding land, maintaining the perfect circle the spell originally began in. it created an invisible barrier above the crest, causing all monsters and humans alike out of the area. The barrier simply pushed their bodies away from the area, out of range of the spell. Beasts fell one after another, pushed across the land like they weighed nothing. This was contrasted by the falling of trees and large booms of animals slamming into each other as the crest expanded. 

Alp’s family lived in a pretty densely populated part of the forest, hundreds of creatures crashed up against the barrier. The largest ones got shoved towards the bottom, while some smaller monsters managed to stand atop the larger ones. Not all of them were successful though, the smalls who fell off the backs of bigger monsters, or ones who just didn't have such a monster to stand on, were crushed beneath the weight of the others. 

Hearing the commotion, and accustomed to danger, Alp’s family climbed to the treetops to see what was happening. Between the four of them, they had seen some very strange things in this forest However, a giant pile of monsters being pushed towards them by an unseen force, was not something they could consider a normal occurrence. With large monsters barreling towards them at record speeds, Amos thought fast. He instructed the other three to cover their hands in the trap jelly they had with them. Usually used to attract and trap small insects or rodents for dinner, trap jelly often was very useful, none of them could've imagined it would've been used this way.

Amos pointed out a large monster, probably some sort of yeti based on its long hair; they were not that uncommon in this section of the forest during the cold season. It was bigger than your typical yeti, most likely mixed with some sort of giant or titan breed, its long legs able to slightly outrun the pile of trampled monsters behind it. When it came near enough, the plan was to jump on its back and ride it to safety, the trap jelly meant to stick onto the beast's hair, ensuring nobody fell on the possibility that they would have to hold on for a while. Yetis tended to have a temper, and seeing as it was already running wild Amos didn't think smart to provoke it. It was imperative that they land in a patch of hair the yeti wouldn't notice.

As the beast neared Amos started a countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, JUMP! Alp’s parents, Alvrin and Ava, landed between the shoulder blades of the monster, Amos landed safely in the small of its back. Poor young Alp, always one to attract misfortune, slipped while trying to jump and landed on the side on the yeti’s thigh. Luckily for Alp, the yeti didn't notice him latch onto his leg. Unfortunately, Alp was still in danger, swinging back and forth against the force created by the monster running, he would have fallen without the trap jelly. 

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