Let's Talk Kitty

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(Gene's turn on his side of talking)

I liked Eric because he was different and I wanted to get to know him due to having a big crush on him because he was so handsome but also I wanted to get to know him because I wanted to know his secret. Yes I was a nosy person and I admitted it but honestly he turned me on where I never been so hard before in my life even when there was a hot chick in front of me. He was perfect for me and I thought he was cute due to his height and chubbiness

One day we actually talked but it was a month into him being in the band. I was told by Paul to give him space if he needs it and to find my own business about Eric's body. I had to gain his trust but I grew impatient when I got very hard by his voice and body. I spoke up while we sat next to each other on the bus "Hey Eric, I sorry about a month ago about being nosy.... I had no right about asking about your sexuality and I was hope we could be friends if you want to be"

Eric nods and smiles "hey it's cool and I know I was different from you guys but when I'm ready, I'll tell you guys. Thanks for the space and of course we could be friends"

We both became close friends and always hung around along with being flirty with each other because I liked him and I saw that Eric had some ways of flirting that were cute. I called Kitty and he called me his demon which made it awesome and I grew feelings for him where I almost kissed him once but pulled away when Paul came into the room.

One afternoon before a concert we all were doing antics out back and I laughed when Eric was doing funny things in front of us that made everyone lose it in laughter. Me and Eric would get into long conversations where it could last for hours. All of us got along and on tours I felt lonely most at night soon wishing Eric was my boyfriend but I guess I'll be okay for now. Anyways back to the antics that day, Eric almost fell and I decided to catch him as he fell into my arms. I look into his blue eyes and smile at him "you okay?"

Eric blushes and notices the others were looking although he enjoyed looking into Gene's eyes "yes I'm okay. Thanks for catching me" his arms were so strong and warms

Soon I helped him stand and I watched him sit next to me while we watch Tommy do his turn to make us laugh. I hear Eric laugh and wraps my arm around his shoulder because he was so cute and funny. He was more of a man where he loved to laugh and have fun. We have got him a new drum set but I chose the design and colors because it was a surprise for his 23rd birthday so we wanted to make it special but in that moment I kept looking at him and enjoying every moment with his. After the concert we were all to meet at Paul's house for to surprise Eric with his birthday gift since we knew his old drums were a piece of crap. I offered Eric a ride and we drove to Paul's house soon getting out "this will be fun and Paul planned this all for us" I lied to him for who is was really for

We get inside and the house was dark when suddenly the lights turned on and people jumped from behind furniture to say happy birthday to Eric. I watched him get emotional and smile happily soon thanking everyone. We have cake, beer and music is played but I was left alone for a while while the birthday cat went to talk to everyone for a while. Soon it was presents time and we all laugh and enjoy Eric's reaction to all of the gifts but soon was the biggest surprise for him. I put a bandana over his eyes and walk him into another room with the others "be patient Kitten and you'll see what you got soon"

Eric laughs and walks with his friend's help to another room "I'm just so excited Gene. What did you guys get me?"

I smile happily "you'll see soon and you'll love it a lot" I take the bandana off of his face and show him what we got soon hearing him cry and scream happily "we knew you could use a new drum set and I chose the design and colors for it. We love you and think you deserve new things"

He hugs all of the band members and thanked them for the drum set soon crying still "thanks guys! You guys are awesome and I love the drum set! This was very kind and sweet"

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He hugs all of the band members and thanked them for the drum set soon crying still "thanks guys! You guys are awesome and I love the drum set! This was very kind and sweet"

Later on that week I hear him playing his new drum set while in the practice room which was awesome. I stood there and watched him play and it was only us in the same room

He stops soon and smiles happily "sorry I love playing them right now, they sound so good"

I smirk and step closer "This drum set is special because it was made by the company that made Eric Carr's drums for KISS and they love selling drum sets to us so we could take care of our drum guys like you. I hope you had time later to see a movie later"

He nods in surprise "yes of course I do as long as nothing happens. What are we gonna see?"

"I found a movie called Little Shop Of Horrors. It's about a flower shop guy that find a plant that is unusual and it's slightly a horror movie but can be funny. Like you won't have nightmares from it"

He gets excited "I heard about it and people said it's a good movie! It's a date then" he flirts

I smirk "don't go there Kitten" I tease him and look at him "I'll pick you up at eight tonight. Talk soon!" I leave soon to head home

(End of this chapter! More to come and we will have to get Eric to trust Gene more)

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