It's Been a While

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OVA Enya drawn by me 😊 ^^^

*APRIL 1988*

"It's been nearly a year, hasn't it?"

"Hm? Oh, I guess you're right Enya. It's true."

"Time flies by really quickly, doesn't it?"

"That's true."

"But you're still indecisive, aren't you?"

That...was not true.

You made your decision long ago.

You knew what you were doing.

You just chose not to show it.

"...I guess I still am, huh?"

"Then what's holding you back?"

The elderly woman egged you on for an answer, tapping her foot in anticipation.

Closing your book, you gave her your full attention.

"Just a few things. But first, may I ask you a question?"

"Go on," she nodded.

"How did you meet him?"



Her silence puzzled you, as she always gave you an answer right away, prepared for whatever question comes her way.

"The arrow led me to him."

It made sense since it was known amongst the two of you that the arrow had the power to lead you to a candidate, one who had potential.

Once struck, you had the chance to gain a Stand.

"So the arrow led you to Dio, and you struck him with it?"

"Yes...and once he gained newfound power, I knew that he was destined for the greater good!"

You gulped, throat itchy just thinking about what she meant by 'greater good'.

"If that's the case, then how did you get the arrow? Was it a family heirloom? "

"You don't need to worry about where it came from, my sweet dear, I thought I told you this before."

"But if I learn more about its origins, it could help me learn more about its abilities, don't you think?"

Her hand stroking her chin, Enya pondered the possibilities of telling you. Would it actually be helpful?

A bit of truth wouldn't hurt, would it?

"A young man about your age sold it to me a few years ago in Egypt."

"Oh? Really?"

"Yes, from an excavation site near the pyramids."

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