chapter 10: internship time

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All might pov

The week for y/n to go intern with grand Torino starts today

All might: y/n! Time to get up!!

I didn't hear him grumble at me like usual, I went upstairs and opened his bedroom door

All might: y/n?!

He wasn't there, where is he?! I immediately rang aizawa

All might: aizawa! Do you know where y/n is?!

Aizawa: no, why what's wrong?

All might: he's not in the house

Aizawa: oh shit...

All might: what should I do?!

Aizawa: come to UA, me and nezu will help you find him

All might: okay... Okay... I'm on my way

Y/n pov

I stood tall ontop of some buildings and looked out at the city of hosu

Y/n: never again...

I heard some wind noise behind me and turned around

Y/n: hello sir...

Grand Torino: boy.. what are you doing here, I told you there are no more leads on all for one

Y/n: don't lie to me

Grand Torino: I'm not-

Y/n: yes you are!

Grand Torino: boy, what's happened to you...

Y/n: he's in my head! I can't get rid of him! He's still out there I know it!! I need to find him and bring Him to justice!!

Grand Torino: it's not your place to do so boy!

Y/n: I swore upon Nana that I'd end his evil on this world!! No matter what!!!

I jumped down and blasted off into the sky, I looked around and saw someone else who's on my shit list

Y/n: stain...

I blasted down behind him and grabbed his shoulder

Y/n: put this man down!

Stain: and who are you to give me orders... No way.. your him!

He dropped the hero who then ran away, stain grinned and drew his sword

Stain: finally, my gamble payed off, I knew you were his son as soon as I saw you all those years ago

Y/n: what are you on about?

He grinned again and tried slicing my chest open, I jumped back at the last second and went to attack him but a portal appeared and he was dragged through, I instantly recognized who's it was

Y/n: no... Damn you!! SHIGARAKI!!!!

All might pov

I got to UA and rushed to the teachers lounge

All might: I am here!

Nezu: there you are, now, aizawa said y/n's missing?

All might: yes sir, I went to wake him up to get ready for his week with grand Torino, and he wasn't in his room or anywhere in the house, I'm worried!

Nezu: calm down my friend, we will find your son, have you contacted grand Torino?

All might: not yet sir...

Nezu: well do so, he is your mentor after all...

Nezu and aizawa began talking between themselves so I walked away and called grand Torino

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