chapter 5: the USJ attack

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y/n: your kidding me...

boss: so you must be y/n huh? you really are like how master described you, i guess he was right about me hating you from the start

y/n: what?

boss: you are the young embodiment of all might, his son! i really do hate you! hey nomu...

i heard something stomping its way towards me, i turned and saw a bird monster about 2 ft taller than me

boss: kill

it dashed at me faster than dad could and threw a punch, i just managed to grab its fist with my right hand, i put my left hand behind my right to stop the nomus fist from hitting me

y/n: grrr!!!

it kept pushing down, i used this to my advantage and pushed its fist sideways making it lean down from the momentum, i turned and sent an uppercut to its body, i was expecting it to go flying into the air, but nothing happened

y/n: what?!

it side kicked me into a bunch of rocks, i got out and started to cough up blood

y/n: not yet

boss: i'm surprised you survived that, but just barely, you see, master knows your getting stronger than all might, so this one is more powerful than first intended

y/n: don't doubt me!

i kicked the nomu with one for all at 100% and full adrenaline at 100% making it go flying backwards into the rock formations, it got straight back up and started walking back towards me

y/n: for fuck sake

boss: prepare to meet your end son of all might

aizawa: like hell i'd let that happen!

aizawa dashed in and wrapped up the boss and threw him into a wall

y/n: aizawa! i told you to stay up there and protect everyone!

aizawa: i did but the warp bastard scattered up all around the USJ

y/n: shit, aizawa you can't stay here, that monster is here to kill me and all might

aizawa: i'm not leaving you here to die moron!

y/n: at least hang back, stay out of their range, its a melee fighter, i can barley hold it back

aizawa: damn

y/n: i need you to hold back the smaller villains for as long as you can, then i can focus on holding this bastard back

aizawa: here

he handed me a section of his scarf

aizawa: you'll need it

he dashed off towards the small villains and i wrapped the scarf around my shoulder and waist, i turned towards the nomu as it got close

boss: dammit nomu kill him now!

i dashed at the nomu and reeled my fist back, it also dashed with its fist reeled

y/n: detroit!!! SMASH!!!!

my fist collided with its own and we created a huge burst of energy making the wind pick up as the USJ began to shake, i held up the clash but it began to push me into the ground, i grabbed its wrist with my free hand and twisted it making it break, its whole hand went limp giving me a chance to jump away

y/n: dammit, i can't keep this up for long- shit!

i dodged a punch and tried to get away but it grabbed my arm and threw me towards the shipwreck zone

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