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It's crazy how fast things have gone so it seemed. One minute I'm sharing the great news with Happy that we are expecting. To almost being ready to pop with our possible little girl or twins.

The reason I say possibly is cause the doctor thinks that our baby is is hiding another.

So with that said Happy and I made sure we had plenty of baby items. We got a crib that's a circle big enough for two babies. We got plenty of diapers, bottles, clothes for spit ups, onesies "unisex", etc. Of course, the guys and gemma were a big aid in helping us get that so were Nero and some of my coworkers that doesn't have an issue with me as well as the none stupid crow eaters and one pornstar that's with Opie that I have no problem with.

Now we are waiting to see if we can find out if I'm having twins or not.

Koz & Ren both joked around saying it's triplets which is a great possibility that it could be triplets. Though I prefer twins since a grand majority of the time it will be me alone while Happy is on run, or outta two, heck even in prison. And I only have two hands to help. 

"Alright, Mr.& and Mrs. Lowman time to see if baby one will stop hiding bay two and possibly three" the doc says as the start moving the probe around.

"could you find out another way should this not work?" I asked

"vaginal," she says

"alright" I say

 she looks back at the screen as she keeps moving the probe.

"Ok from this angel its just two but if you want to fully tell we can do option two to make sure" she says

"thats fine" I tell her

 she nods her head and moved the probe before handing me some wipes then gave me some privacy as I slipped out of my panties. which Happy took and stuffed them in his jean picket making me chuckle while shaking my head.

"naughty papi" I whispered lowly so only he could hear

 He just winks at me as I prop my feet up and wait for her to come back in.

Once she does she goes over the whole process then proceeds to do just that.

"alright here they are" she says 

I looked at the screen as did Happy and we seen triplets. I looked over at Happy who wore the same surprised look as me.

"woah" I say 

"didn't expect that huh?" doc asked

"Not at all" Happy tells her

she smiles and starts taking pictures and doing measurements.

"wanna know the genders or have a surprise?" she asked

"gender please" I say

 "two girls and a boy" she says 

I looked back at Happy and grinned while he leaned down and kissed me before sitting back smiling.

After we left the doctors appointment we headed to the baby store and bought another crib this time one that was a bigger circle one before we headed to the lot and shared the news.

When we walked in everyone that mattered and we loved stopped talking and looked at me.

"well we found out that I'm not carrying twins" I say 

some of them awe and pouted.

"She's carrying triplets" Happy says 

Which made everyone look shocked.

" poor lassie," Chibs says

"three babies. but you look like your carrying two" Lyla says

"I know. but Doc says all three are perfectly fine and healthy nothing is wrong and that the pregnancy is moving along great and that before I know it they'll be here in mine and Happy's Arms." I say

 "so what are you gonna do now?" Tig asked

"Well we got a bigger crib and I'll sell the other." I tell them

"what's the genders?" Gem asked

I looked at Happy who was already grinning proudly.

"Two princesses and a prince" Happy says

Everyone erupted in cheers and whistles before they came over and took Happy over to the bar to celebrate. while the ladies had me sit down to relax since I've got precious cargo in three. 

Innocent (completed but not edited)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora