Tomioka Giyuu

800 6 0

My brother and I

❀ word count: 2134


 A soft breeze passed by, sweeping away the dust that had started to accumulate in the front wooden porch. Hanging on the small cover outside were the couple of beautifully crafted furin that softly chimed with the wind. With a broom, someone could be seen cleaning the porch, humming a soft tune, that calmed even the most excited of hearts.
Your eyes glistened under the sun rays, feeling the warmth of the summer months much more enjoyable than the winter ones. It was easier to clean like this, although sometimes it was a hassle to roll up the sleeves of your kimono.
Some slayers passed by the estate, some stopping at the gate to greet and chat with you, while others simply waved or bowed, continuing their affairs. Once again, a pleasant evening.

As you finished your first task of the day, - cleaning the porch - you held you hakama pants, moving inside to do the laundry. A basket of dirty clothes was sitting in a corner, in the kitchen, close to the door that led to the backyard. There was the place you would wash your clothes.
You picked the basket, examining the clothes it contained, to find a familiar mismatched haori, covered in blood and dirt. Sighing, you knelled outside, in front of the water tank you previously filled. Carefully, picking a piece of clothing at a time, you washed them intensely, watching the translucent water become dirtier as the clothes were washed. Each time you finished, you twisted them, removing as much water as possible, before getting up and shaking it a few times, hanging them in the rope. The process repeated, until the mismatched haori was the only thing left in the basket. You smiled, shaking your head slightly, as you picked it up and washed it. 

The dirty water turned a soft shade of pink, as the blood was washed off. You sighed, having to refill the tank to wash the haori properly. With soap and water, the once bloody piece of clothing became brand new, with that calming lavender scent. You hanged the haori, after twisting and shaking the water off. It had been a hour and a half since you started.
The day went by as you did the chores you had assigned yourself to do, considering you were the one who managed the estate alone. After hours of tiring cleaning, you cleaned yourself, put on a basic F/C yukata and walked towards the kitchen to prepare dinner. The furin made a pleasant sound, and you could still hear it from the inside, as you boiled the water to prepare the rice. Suddenly, the door slid open, and someone entered the house. You heard muffled voices, and the sound of shoes being taken off. Smiling, you recognized the voice that spoke lowly.

Excited by the arrival of your housemate, you place down the wooden spoon, and rush to welcome the man. Two figures could be seen chatting, a familiar man of long raven hair, with dark blue eyes, and a younger boy - possibly your age - with burgundy hair, and an unforgettable smile. Your eyes lit up, hands clasped together close to your chest.

"Onii-chan!" you called.

The boys looked at you, and the blue eyed male approached you, allowing your figure to hug him, as you so much pleased. He didn't show it much, but you knew he was satisfied with the contact, when he returned the hug with a soft head pat. The curious boy behind smiled gently at the scene, waiting until you parted. Your eyes half-closed as you flashed him a beautiful smile, bowing at the new person. He awkwardly bowed back, scratching his neck with a smile on his face.

"Welcome to the Tomioka Estate. You must be Kamado Tanjiro." you greeted cheerfully. 

"Y-yeah, I am." he nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you..."

"L/N Y/N." you introduced yourself.

Confusion was written all over his face. You had just called Tomioka 'onii-chan', certainly he wasn't crazy. Giyuu, however, ignored this and looked at you, patting your back softly. Knowing the meaning of this, you nodded your head, watching the man walk away to bathe himself, after a tiring day of training. Tanjiro stood awkwardly staring at you, making you chuckle softly, motioning for him to follow you to the kitchen.
The two of you walked in, and the smell of the simmered salmon you were preparing immediately filled Tanjiro's nostrils, a pleasant smell. He watched you walk towards the food, carefully watching over and doing the essential to cook the food properly. The young slayer approached you carefully, watching you smile as you did your magic in the kitchen, looking like a professional.

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