Rengoku Senjuro

632 9 0

Change your mind

❀ word count: 2252


In some places, beliefs and traditions changed like water and wine. People's dress codes and whatnot were something very variable, even within the own culture. However so, when it came to values, it was usual for some certain societies to have their own core values. To you, strength was the first and most important thing. Being able to defend yourself was something you had forcefully learned, by the hands of your extremely abusive father.
The old demon slayer had always resented not being a Hashira, a high member of the corps, and so, his frustration was passed down to you, shaping you into the small ball of rage you were now today.
Despite this, your heart held the purest of reasons and feelings for those around you, like your late mother, and older sister, who had moved away after marrying a rich doctor.
Your life had been quite eventful, specially after those two losses, and so, much like your father, you had grown to learn to put your frustrations on someone else.

Rengoku Senjuro. A young boy living in the same neighborhood as you. Despite coming from a wealthy and noble family of notable demon slayers, it was well known that the poor younger Rengoku just wasn't meant for the position. However, for some reason, he carried on his life as if nothing had happened, despite being aware that the legacy ended there, as he was incapable of becoming his brother's tsuguko.
For this particular reason, you hated him. You hated how his brother was kind enough to stay with him and support him, unlike your sister, who had simply ran away from you without caring. You hated him for his stupid little smile he held, as he swept the entrance of the estate. Every time he would be happy, you hated it.

The boy knew about this. You made sure to let him know of how you felt. But he never really blamed you.
From afar, Senjuro watched your father hit your back with a wooden sword, yelling at you as you cried from pain, doing countless push ups on your own training grounds. He felt bad for you. Having a life like yours, it must be hard to cope with your feelings normally. For that reason, the young boy always kept a smile on his face, in hopes that one day, things would change for better.

That was until his older brother passed away. The news of that loss were too shocking. His father didn't show any respect, and it was up to Senjuro to mourn for his brother's death alone. Young, sad and lonely, his days were passed by cleaning the porch slowly, not wanting to get inside and face the reality that swarmed him each time he looked at his brother's portrait.

One of those days, when the sun was still up in the sky, you appeared, after being gone on your first mission. You looked tired, sweating and with a cast on your left arm, feeling anxious for your father's judgement. That was when you saw Senjuro, and your heart immediately raced with anger.
He looked so peaceful. Away from this reality, this cruel reality that hurt so badly. How could someone be so calm when someone else's life was so incredibly unfair? Even though it was irrational, your heart couldn't help but ache at the thought of Senjuro living a better life than yours.

"Still cleaning the porch, weak kid?" you spat, just as you stopped in front of him.

The boy looked up with sad eyes, not that your anger could tell. He stood silent, not feeling like arguing at a time like this. His hands trembled slightly, and he bit his lip to stop it from quivering.
He didn't want to get upset with you, after all, you too had a rough life, and certainly needed help.

"Getting quiet, huh? Yeah, that suits that weak spirit of yours. It must be a shame to have someone so weak in such noble family." you mumbled.

Senjuro held his head low, feeling the warm tears stream down his face. Just as you were about to yell, someone came rushing. A boy, with burgundy hair, panting heavily. The two of you looked at him, curious as to why he was running. The words he said shocked you greatly.
'Rengoku Kyojuro was dead.'

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