look at the time!

15 0 0

blessing you beautiful humans whom i adore so very much with multiple updates because i feel bad and because i can
also tell me how you like doing the third person pov please and thank you


Third POV

The team sat outside of the room after hearing a screaming match go on between Evan and y/n although many of them were confused Luis was not

Luis' POV


we knew it was rude to eavesdrop but after i heard what happened i feel even worse 

"You guys go on ahead im gonna talk to y/n alone for a minute

"and whys that luis ???"

"because adam i have a ....problem"

they left and i knocked on her door leaning on it slightly

she looked at me with red puffy eyes 

she was crying

"you undertstood?"

i nodded

"are you gonna tell anyone"

"no of course not"

"thank you"

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