It was already dark when she arrived at their hotel in Hilo. She didn't waste much time to get to the third floor. If there was one thing she didn't want to happen right now, it was for her to be seen by anyone while she met Lindsey alone in a suite. How could she even explain to anybody why she was in Hawaii? Nobody would understand this and if she was totally honest, she didn't even understand herself. This was by far the dumbest thing two people had ever done.

The receptionist had given her the keys to their suite and now that she was standing in front of the door, she felt hot waves of fear flooding her whole body. What the hell was she doing here? Maybe she could just turn around and leave again without him getting to know that she had been here? No. That was no option! He had told her that he was going to leave his family, if she didn't show up... There was no way out of this. She had agreed to this deal, now she had to face the consequences. And didn't she want to see him again? Yes, she did. So badly.

She felt her heart pounding fast within her chest, when she turned the keys and opened up the door.


Lindsey was lying on the couch in the living-area of the suite, nervously playing with his fingers.

Would Stevie really show up? And if not, what did that mean for him? For her?

He didn't come to think any further because the creaking of the door interrupted him. She had come. Stevie had actually come to see him.

He got up and turned around. There she stood. His Stevie. He could easily see how nervous she was. She desperately clung to the bag in her hands and looked up at him with an expression on her face he hadn't seen in a very long time. It was fear.

"Hey..", he said softly and smiled.


"Ummm.. Wanna sit down with me?", he suggested and pointed at the couch.

She nodded quietly and sat down next to him, still wrapped in her coat, her fingers nervously playing with the band on her bag.

"Don't you... Don't you wanna take off your coat?", he asked politely.

"And then what?! Huh?! Lindsey?!", she snapped suddenly, "We're going to fuck for the next 24 hours until we both fly home again and pretend that this never happened?!"

Her sudden emotional outburst caught him off-guard. He hadn't expected it.

"I.. Well.. I..", he stuttered, trying hard to look into her eyes but she was staring him down like never before, "I don't know...", he admitted sheepishly.

She sighed.

"Lindsey, what the hell are we doing here?!", her voice had changed, softened.

"I don't know..", he said again, "I just know that I want to be near you, Steph.. I wanna, I wanna be with you.. Feel you.. It's been so long.. I miss you.."

She choked at his words. She had missed him telling her such kind of things...

"What about your wife? Your son?"

"Don't! Just don't! Don't talk about them. This is not why we're here, Steph."


"No! This day belongs to us! And only us! I don't wanna destroy it by talking about those kind of things now."

"Lindsey.. I.."

"I'm going to kiss you, now.", he interrupted her, his piercing blue eyes meeting her chocolate brown ones.

She held her breath for a moment.


He cut her off and pressed his lips onto hers, his right hand wandering to the back of her head, pulling her closer, his other hand tangling in her long, soft, golden curls.


When she felt his lips touching hers, she felt all her barricades falling down within a second and she kissed him back. Eagerly. Hungrily. And oh God, it felt so fucking good!

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pushed her gently down on the couch, him hovering on top of her, unbottoning her coat, his mouth travelling down her jawline to her throat, covering her neck and cleavage with warm, wet kisses.

"I missed you..", he mumbled, "I missed you so much.."

She moaned lightly into his mouth when she felt his right hand sliding up her sides, gently squeezing her breasts through her top.

"Bedroom.", she gasped and he pulled her up into his arms to carry her in the other room where he threw her softly onto the bed.


Three hours later, she lay in his arms. Both of them naked, sweaty and exhausted by their passionate love-making. She was stroking his chest, lovingly playing with the dark hair that was growing there. He had wrapped an arm around her, his fingers lightly grazing the soft skin of her upper arms while placing loving kisses all over her hair.



"I love you."

In one swift motion she jumped out of the bed, grabbed one of the bedsheets, wrapped it around her body and left the room.

"Where are you going?!", he yelled after her.

No answer.

"Stevie?", he followed her out of the bedroom to find her sitting on the couch, her head buried in her hands, her body shaking. She was obviously crying.

"Steph, what-?!"

"You can't tell me that, Lindsey.", she sobbed.

"What do you mean?"

"You can't tell me that you love me."

"But I do, Steph. This is how I feel.."

"No!", she said resolutely, "No more I love yous. You hear me? I can't take it! It's too painful!"

"Why are we even doing this?", he sighed and sat down next to her, "You love me. I love you. Why do we torture ourselves like that. I want to be with you."

"We discussed this already, Lindsey. We can't be together!"

"But why?", he whined.

"Stop asking!"

"I can't.. I don't wanna do this any longer.."

"No, Lindsey! This is not how this was supposed to be. You said, one night once per year. That's it! That was the deal!"


"No but! If we want to continue our little arrangement then.. We have to make up some rules.", she said, wiped away her tears and looked up at him.

He watched her closely. She was hurting. He saw pain written all over her face. But there was also something else. It was determination. He wouldn't be able to talk her around.

"Okay..", he said, "What are you thinking of?"

"First of all, no more calls – we won't talk about meeting here outside of this room."


"Second, we won't come or leave together."

He nodded.

"Third, we won't say the L-word."


"No L-word, Lindsey! You get it?"

He sighed, then nodded again, reluctantly this time.

"And fourth", he added, "we won't talk about Kristen ....or Will or... any of your... partners.."

She swallowed hard, then nodded.


So,  now that all background information is given, I can start with the real story in the next chapter!
I hope you're enjoying this so far. Thanks to all of you for reading and leaving all those nice comments.
I really need to say at this point, that I love our cute little but quickly growing BN-fanfiction-community! ♥
Much love, Lara

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