F!Cra x M!Child!Reader

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[Before I begin, this is a completely platonic relationship, more or less, sibling-like. So don't try and call me or the person who requested this out. Without any further hesitation, let's begin!]

[Requested by paultiteuf360]

As the sun rose overhead, the faint chirping of Tofus seemed to make the situation all more soothing. Rei, an Eniripsa who cares for the children in the orphanage, was busy baking a Good-Morning pie, as she called it. The intoxicating aroma of the sweet berry pie filled Y/N's scent, as he drowsily woke from his bed near the window. The six-year-old boy got up, stepping off the bed, then tiptoed to the door so he doesn't wake the other sleeping children. He let out a yawn, before heading his way downstairs.

He was greeted by his caretaker, who smiled at him gently. The healer sat a slice down at one of the seats as Y/N approached.
"Oh, Y/N! You're up early,"
Rei commented while handing him a wooden fork. The young boy rubbed his eyes, in an attempt to wake his tired state. Once he finished, he looked up at Rei, nodding his head. He turned his gaze over to the plate of pie in front of him, as he grabbed the wooden fork, and began to dig in.

Soon enough, he wiped his mouth with the cloth he had in his rucksack, giving Rei a big smile. His smile soon faded into what looked to be sadness. "Rei..?" He asked. She twisted around to look at Y/N
"Yes dear?"

"What is the.. outside world like?"

"Oh.. well, it's very beautiful, but it could also be very dangerous.  Besides, you have the playpit out there.. would you like to go once everyone else is awake?" She asked.

Y/N nodded his head, quickly, then waited for the other children to show up with excited eyes filled with youth.

It seemed like minutes before the nearly empty dining area grew bustling with life. "Alright, children! It's recreation time!" Rei opened the door to the play area, she let out a grin as children came rushing out. Y/N had went out last, he saw children on the swings, some on the slides, and only a few waiting their turn for the see-saw.

Y/N went to his spot by the corner of the play area, sitting down while watching his fellow orphans play. He caught a glimpse of something on the other side of the playground. He rushed over, only to find that it had been a hole in the gate.

Surely Rei wouldn't mind if he did a little bit of exploring, right?

Making sure all of the children, and Rei weren't looking, he crawled through the hole, somewhat surprised at how big the world was. He darted towards a nearby forest, not understanding how it was possible for so many trees to grow in one place.

* * *
With further exploration, he finally concluded..

He was lost.

It's almost dinnertime! He needed to get back before Rei realized he was gone! Which probably had happened by now. He sat by a tree in an attempt to remember which way he came. Just then, a creature which looked to be 10-times the size of this child, prodded past, it's eyes glued onto him. Soon, it let out a frustrated grunt, as it began to charge toward him. Y/N covered his face with his hands, bracing for impact.. but to his surprise... It never came...?

He slowly opened his eyes, trying to see who-- or.. what.. was his savior. The creature was pelted by another arrow, it's hostility changed into fear, as it couldn't see where they were coming from. When it eventually ran off, a female Cra jumped down from the tree above Y/N. "Are you hurt?" She'd ask him. Y/N shook his head, still in awe of the talented archer. "Do you know where you are?" She asked.

This time, his head shake was sorrowful. "I see.." she said. "I'll try to find where you came from. What is your town's name? Or if you don't have one, what is a defining feature of your home?"

"I... I live in Irakashei village!" He said quickly.

"Irakashei Village? How did you manage to get from there, all the way to here..? You know what, don't matter, I'll bring you home by tomorrow afternoon. For now, I'll take you to my camp so that you could rest." She said softly, leading Y/N to her camp as the sun shines it's final gleam for the night.

[Part two will be their adventure home.]

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