If you're sick

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Doctor Yugo is on the case! If you're sick, he'll refuse to take you on any adventures and would ask Az or Adamai to take care of you while he's away.

Poor sir Percidal would immediately know you're not feeling well, and would 'attempt' to make you soup. Let's just say his soup-making skills are garbage, all he did is take river water, put a few bugs and plants in there, and call it a day

Would set you in bed, there's no escape from Momma Eva. She will take care of you, give you books to read, give you food to eat, all kinds of motherly stuff. She would do anything for you, so you better like her special Cra Soup.

Amalia would do her best to make you feel better, expect tons of hugs and cuddles while you're at your lowest, she may not be able to make you better physically, but she can emotionally.

For a dragons' mate, being sick is nothing. He can easily make you better with a simple spell, but not before panicing his eyes out once you told him.

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