If they dream of your death

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[Hello! I've had some extreme writers block but I'm back again :')]

He would shoot awake, and immediately start looking for you, and once he finds you, he refuses to let you go until you t r y and tell him you're fine.

Sir Percedal would be on-guard as soon as he's awake. He would look to see your figure next to him, watching your side move up and down as breaths left your body. He would then smile contently, before heading to sleep.

Evanguline, similar to Dally, would take out her bow, and for the rest of the day, she wouldn't let anyone near you, afraid of the consequences of what might happen.

She would make guards follow you everywhere, even when you go to the bathroom.. apparently, Amalia has never heard of privacy, neither has the guards.

He would be distant from you for a while, before finally noting that it was a dream, and none of it was real.

Cinnamon Roll would be extremely clingy, you would have to pry him off of your arms somehow, even Grougal can't do it.

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