He had every known author known to man. The red leather seats that formed around the fireplace brightened the place. I sat down as I looked at the pictures around.

"Nice isn't it?" I jumped up looking at Michael. He smiled placing his finger on his lips. I- um.. got kinda lost and um.." I stuttered as he giggled.

"Its perfectly fine, I forgot that you didn't know your way around here. Hehe." he said.

"I love your collection." I said as he walked  over to me, "Yes, I love to read and a lot of people didn't know that. But anytime you can come here and grab a book or two. I don't mind." he said so sweetly.

I giggled, "Thanks." I said as we stared at eachother for a little while. He cleare his throat, "Um, breakfast is ready, that's if your hungry." he said and I nodded. He held out his arm and I folded mine agianst his. He smelled so good, his curls shining, hanging to his shoulder.

We walked up a few stairs and down a small hallway into his grand dining area. I waved at a few of his maids who were really nice to me and then we landed at the table. It was great as a beautiful bouquet of flowers sat in one chair.

"These are for you." He said as he picked them up and handed them to me. "Oh wow, thanks I love them." I smelled them and the fresh aroma filled my nostrils. I sat down and he sat on his end. The maids came bring the silver diner plates, sitting them on each end. We were having a big breakfast with bacon, eggs, pancakes and some fruit.

However over on Michaels plate the pancakes had chocolate syrup one them. "I love junk food so mine is different from yours." he said as he giggled which tickled me.

"Chocolate is your favorite?" I asked as he nodded smiling with cheeks full of food. I giggled. I looked from the side and some chocolate was on the side of his lip. I grabbed my napkin and once he looked up at me, I held my hand up for him to paused.

He looked at me weird, "Hehe, you got some chocolate here." I said as he leaned in and I wiped it off of his face.

He swallowed the food down, "Thank you." he said and then I finally dug in my food.

After we ate, we took a tour around the house to work the food down that we just ate. "So, how big is the ranch really?" I asked.

"Well, its 2,700 arces of land." he said and I stopped holding my mouth open. "2,7-- whoa!" I said. Michael laughed at me, "And your about to tour all of this." he said wiping the small tears from his eyes.

"Okay. Where are we starting first?" I asked excitedly. "Well where the library was the second staircase you took, you can walk from where i got you to get there too. I know it will be a while before you will get used to it so, If I am not here and you want to get somewhere in the ranch, just asked the maids." he said and i felt relieved.

"But at the most I should be here unless, I am in the dance studio which is where we are heading now Or the studio on the other side of the house." he said.

"The other side of the house?" I said. He cracked up, "Your a peach Chasity, you know that?" he asked.

"No, I guess because I have only been in my grand parents house once and then moved, Chicago and the suffering condo that I live in, I am not used to huge mansions." I said and he nodded, "I gotcha. Well you know, I have to get you used to touring, to be honest I don't like it but for my fans I do it." he said.

"You really don't like to tour?" I asked and he shook his head, "Its not in my forte but we I get on stage its like an amazing energy hits me like its incredible. I am thankful for not having bad health." he said.

We reached a brown shiny door and he opened it revealing a dance studio. The long mirror that was on the opposite end, I ran over to it. "All this is yours really? How cool is that?" I said to my self.

Michael walked up behind me really slowly as I stretched my arms and my neck, checking myself out. Michael walked around and looked at me. "Chasity, were you ever told how beautiful you are?" he asked.

"Well no, besides when I hype myself in the mirror alone." I said. "Pardon?" he said.

"Oh, what I am saying is I praise my own beauty and it brightens my day when I do it. Its like my own caffeine for the day." I said.

"But from another man?" he asked and I shook my head, "No, I never have." I said as he took my hand in his. "Chasity, I am going to show you what a real man does to his woman. I promise you. I don't know if this is going too fast but you are truly a beautiful  woman who deserves the world. And one day, I just hope that the real guy can make you smile." He said.

"But Mic--" he hushed me, "I'm speaking in general. Your going to know the real me. okay?" he said and I nodded.

Deep down, Michael was that man. It wasn't the fame, the fortune, him being a big star. This was just him the shy, full of giggles and smiling. It was him but I was scared that I was about to lose my job. Only because this was a huge opprotunity that I don't want to mess up. Its getting harder to understand that this is just for business but Michael was sticking deep into my emotions and I wanted to say Fuck tank but that comes harder too.

I don't know what to do.

Ideal Woman (18+) MJ RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now