Finally inside.

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Kokichi and Shuichi hang out together for the whole day and do mostly cuddling, kissing, talking to each other doing stupid things, playing games, reading, and etc. When it's time for Shuichi to head to his dorm he asks kokichi to come to see him tomorrow so they can talk about what they are (aka)  their relationship. The next day kokichi starts looking for shi hi everywhere but can't seem to find him. But he keeps looking anywany. He finally finds him and the library but... he's talking to Kaede, despite the fact that his heart aches he still decides to try and call out to Shuichi  {key word "Tries."} Kaede kisses him, kokichi was not expecting that but decides to stay and wait to see what Shuichi will do. Jumping to conclusions will solcve nothing. He like looks at Shuichi face and studies it. Shuichi looks surprised for a second but kisses back slowly the hand start to slowly intertwine...kokichi looks away he doesn't want to see this. Plus it's an invasion of their privacy, he starts walking back down to his dorm. Silent,  it's quiet. His wearing a blank expression so emotion in his eyes what so ever. He passes kaito and maki along the way but decides to ignore them, for some reason he feel a bit down. Just as soon as they pass each kaito stops and looks at him for a second.. then calls out "Hey ouma you okay?" Kokichi is surprised by this action, he and kaito never really got along nor do they ever speak and if they do it always arguing. It made home surprised that kaito actually said something to kokichi that wasn't an insult. He stops for a second turn his head around to face kaito and maki, turn his head back and said " Just fine momota-kun." It came out so melancholic then he would like. He kept walking and for some reason just kept on running into the rest of his classmate for ask him if he was alright it was weird they every really cared so why do they now he thought. Is the something wrong? He didn't understand. The way to his dorm seemed long for some reason... he decided to run back.  Now he was finally inside his dorm. It was quiet, he remembered how Shuichi was just in here yesterday..he enter the bathroom to find tears running down his face..since when did he start crying, he felt tired and decided to lie down in his bed for awhile staring up at the ceiling. He thinks about many things. Then takes his hand to cover his face, and smiles. 

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