Chapter 1 - Questions

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"And btw El, he was with Arthur last night and he asked for your number." And why the fudge would he do that? Is it because he's single now? Or maybe he just wants to have a closure after all, there wasn't a formal break up between us he just left and I never heard a word from him since then.

The thought of him back in Bradford gives my body chills. I don't know what to do if ever I see him on the streets or what. What's scares me the most is what would his reaction be if he found out about Zack? Will he be mad at me because I didn't told him or will he question me if Zack is really his son?

Days have passed since Althea told me about Zayn. I feel relieved whenever a day is over without me seeing Zayn. I don't know why, I'm just scared. I'm not ready to face him just yet. Feels like a wound had been cut open again. I can still remember the last day we spent together. We're in a fight but we manage to settle things up and we ended up making love in my bedroom. That was the last time I saw him and the last time he told me "I will always love you El. No matter what come between us.".

"Mummy, look I found daddy." I was half asleep when I was awaken by my son's loud voice. He was screaming out loud that I was forced to get out of bed. Did I just heard him right? This boy is silly, just like mummy but I was scared at the same time. What if he really did found Zayn?

As I went out of my room I saw him holding a poster of One Direction and he is talking at Zayn's image saying "Daddy. Daddy! I miss you so much!" I can feel my heart breaking at his words. Seeing my son like that just hurts. I know how much he wants to see his father but Zayn is now happy with his life and I know that Zack and I aren't a part of it.

"Oh you silly boy. That isn't daddy. Come here let's get you to bed." I took the poster out of his little hands and threw it in the bin as I carry him back to bed. He was crying, shouting "Daddy. I want Daddy!" I don't have any idea of how he got that poster of his dad. I can feel my son's pain and I can't do anything about it. All i did was told him that daddy will be back soon and I played his favorite song as of the moment, Night Changes by One Direction.

It didn't took awhile that I am now staring at my 5 year old kid sleeping with tears stained cheeks. He's hugging a teddy bear. A teddy bear that Zayn got me when we went to the carnival. Memories went flashing in my mind of how happy and enjoyed we are that day. Zayn is just the sweetest boyfriend anyone could ever imagine.

He always tell me how much he loves me, how much he adores me. He loves to cuddle and give me a bunch of kisses. Zayn was my first and I know he is my last. I'm no longer interested in relationships after Zayn and I drifted apart. I don't want to feel the pain again. It's too much to handle.

And btw, I am Elaine. Elaine Hilton. I am now 22 years old. Zayn and I are both born on the the same day just hours apart, for I was born 2 o'clock in the afternoon and him 10 am sharp. When we were still together, he took me out on a fancy dinner for our birthday. It was a good romantic night. He danced with me although we all know that he doesn't like dancing at all. He used to tell me "Cool kids don't dance love.".

Well Zayn was the shy type he rather stay at home and cuddle with me than be surrounded by other people. I was surprised that he was able to manage millions of fans. Back then he used to sing to me whenever we sleep over, mostly at my place because I was living with my brother alone. My parents usually stay in America because of business.

Our relationship wasn't perfect, as far as I know their isn't a perfect one. We argue about random things, we get jealous, we celebrate monthsaries, we spent hours on the phone rambling things. We've met each others parents and adored them. We are just teenagers in love. It seems like our world revolves just around the two of us.

I can still remember the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. He took me to the park, I know it wasn't the most romantic set up but it was for me that night. In the middle of the conversation he just started saying how much he likes me and that he wanted me to be his girlfriend.

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