my best friend

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The house was at one time quiet, until you came along.
The sneezing and gurgling almost sounded like a song.
But then you got older and began to learn your "manners".
Pushing buttons and pulling hair, our days were filled with banter.
Although I would want to rip your head off when we fought with each other,
I'll stick up for you and be your cover.
Though we rarely ever get along
Our relationship was always pretty strong.
Forgive me for being a jerk in the past,
Just be glad that it didn't last.
I love you is something I don't tell you enough
But just so you know that when I leave it will be pretty tough.
You're my baby sister and I'm here to the end.
For you're not just my sister, you're also my best friend.


i had a lot of fun making this one.
it's dedicated to my younger sister who is my entire world. she was in tears when i read this to her for the first time and it made me feel really good.

do you have any siblings?

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