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"The grass is greener on the other side, but the other side of what?" My grandfather and I would inquire.

Nobody knew the answer. He and I were left wondering of all the possible possibilities. We would get called stubborn and arrogant when we asked that specific question, getting yelled at for asking such silly questions in the first place.

He's my best friend, my rock, my right-hand man, my partner in crime. Without him, my world would continue to be full of questions. But who would answer them?

We over thought the little things such as, "Why is the sky blue?" or "Is the 's' or the 'c' silent in scent?" and perhaps, "Are eyebrows considered facial hair?" My grandmother, as frustrated as she was with my grandfather and I, liked to think that this was what made us unique. Always questioning until we sought out our answers.

Now that he's long gone, what am I to do? Who am I to inquire about why vegetarians eat animal crackers or how does one handcuff a one armed man? Who else will play along and put up with my questioning antics?

Maybe you know why the Easter bunny carries eggs even if in fact rabbits do not lay eggs. Or if Mars had earthquakes, would they be considered marquakes? Or maybe you don't.

Despite these silly questions, there's an answer for everything. Even if it's an over exaggerated sigh or a legitimate answer, the world is full of questions with solutions. That's another thing I've learned from him.

I may be boring you or you may be rolling your eyes at these questions, but if you don't mind me asking one more: The grass is greener on the other side, but the other side of what?


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