𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝑿𝑿𝑽

Start from the beginning

“Perhaps you have forgotten to tell me that the prodigy you spoke of is Lalisa?” Chanyeol sank into his thoughts for a while after hanging up. People working in the medical field should be fairly careful when dealing with matters so ruling out all other possibilities, that person must really have been Lisa herself!

Thus, he decided to call Jackson to confirm his suspicion.

“That’s right! Of course I wouldn’t say that!” Jackson suddenly came to his senses. “How do you know her?”

“I’m not particularly close to her but I am familiar with who she is.” Chanyeol was confused.

“You know who she is but you are unaware that she is the owner of this patent?” Jackson found it hard to react to this situation.

Chanyeol searched his mind before answering, “Something tells me that only a handful of your people know about this matter.”

Considering how ‘earth-shattering’ Jackson said this patent would be, it was surprising how little it was publicized on the news. In fact, he had never heard her talk about this. She was maintaining way too low of a profile for a person her age. How old was she? Twenty? Weren’t people her age supposed to be going at each other’s throats to be credited for such achievements? Even the older folks in research would make it a big deal if such a game-changing process was indeed formulated.

Thinking back, even Jackson was all the rage in the capital for his achievements. How could she be so calm about this?

“It isn’t just your premonition. It is simply the truth!” It was as if Jackson had finally found someone he could channel his complaints toward. “She’s nothing but a slacker! That girl’s got the brains but she refuses to be serious whenever actual work is concerned. I believe you’ve got a taste of what I’m talking about when she tried her luck in acting! God! Thinking about her makes my heart ache!”

Chanyeol did not expect Jackson to be such a chatterbox. However, what he said suddenly reminded him of Sejin.

“Don’t you ever talk about this in front of Sejin. He thinks that she’s born to act. If you ever tell him that she’s a member of your research team, no doubt, he’d come looking for a fight immediately.” Chanyeol was clueless as to how he was supposed to react to this.

“You think it’ll change anything? Let me tell you this, even if she’s not working here at the laboratory, no way she’ll take her acting job seriously.” Jackson rolled his eyes. It’ll be a fairy tale if she one day decides to take her job seriously, considering how extremely fearful she was of solving problems.

Chanyeol hung up the call. He lit himself a cigarette and sucked in a large lungful of tobacco smoke.

Typically, this method was effective in calming down his emotions.

They were standing from different positions so naturally, what they saw was different. Unlike Jackson who had decided that she was a lost cause, Chanyeol started evaluating Lisa.

When he first bumped into Lisa, he initially thought that there was no way she could be successful in the years to come. This was because by staying with Jungkook alone, it would have inevitably invited envious eyes from countless powerful people from the ancient martial arts world. However, he soon realized what a nightmare it would be to offend this little devil. What’s more, there was an insanely powerful family who had their backs.

Then, he got a taste of how immense her mental strength was the second time he bumped into her. Although he wasn’t able to detect the chi waves contained in her body, he knew instantly after sensing it that she was no ordinary human.

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