after party...

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When we was at the party, Scott and Stiles find out it was Jackson going around killing people

"- I can talk to Jackson." I heard Allison say as I walk up
"No way. Jackson could be menthly unstable right now." I said cutting her off
"He's is school." Scott said 
"I have nightmares, and I still come to school.Not a good reason." I said shrugging my shoulders
"You have nightmares?" Scott asked
"Yeah, since when?" Stiles said after him
"For a while. Ally is not going to talk to Jackson." I said 
"Well, do you have an better idea." Stiles asked
"Yes. Me. I will go talk to him." I said smiling at him
"And, how is that better." Stiles said in a sarcastic tone
" I say it so." I said walking away

"Jackson. Are you in here?" I yelled waiting for an answer
"yeah." he yelled back
"We need to ta- ahh you could had told me you was naked." i walked in, turning, and putting my hands over my eyes when I see him
"Nothing you haven't seen before." he say laughing
"Not because I wanted to. We can talk later to after you-" I say trying to walk away
"We can talk now." He grabbed my arm, pushing me against the wall
"We can later."
"Why not now? Why? want to run to Stilinski again, knowing he will never love you back? Face it you are always the last choice. You are nothing, but a failure, and an addict. You are the reason people don't love you anymore. You mess up everything you touch."
"Jackson stop please."
"Why? Don't want to hear the true?
I tried to push him away, but he grabbed my face. Hitting my head against the wall.
"You are nothing. No one will love. You are nothing.

I can't help, but to cry. Tying again to push him away once again, but failing once again.After a moment the locker room doors open, and Jackson get throw across the room.

"Sammy, when you get here?" Jackson say looking up at me
"Don't talk to her." Scott say walking in front of me
"I have an restraining order!" Jackson yelled at Scott
"Trust me I'm restraining myself" Scott say in a low voice.

I gotta say, he is kinda hot right now. 

wait what? get it together Sam....

Ally grabs me, holding me while I try not to cry.
"It is okay. You are okay."

Harris came in the locker room, giving us all detention, including Matt. When did Matt get in here?


"Coming over?" Lyds ask me at school
"No. Family thing today."
"Suck. Ditch them"
"Okay. Since you begging."

I saw Ally walking to class, I tried to catch up to her but a guy stopped me, by running into me.
"I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going."
"Ugh. It's okay. Happens to the best of us." I say smiling
"Samantha, right? Matt."
"Yup.I know. It was nice seeing again, but I really have to go. See you in class."
I have no idea who, but after I said it was nice seeing you, he stared smiling. He's creep.

Stay Clear Sam. Stay Clear


Sorry guys it's so short

Next chapter: Oh What Will Happen
Chapter after that: The Truth About The Truth

528 words*

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