A new morning

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UGH mornings.  I went to see Deaton about the claws marks on my body. I been feeling weaker, I can't sleep the whole night, I sleep walk to places, and I haven't been eating. Stiles keep wanting to talk to me, I been waiting for those words 'I need to talk to you' since we had, but I really need to not die. I have a life plan. I want to be work for the FBI, study law, help people. I can't die before I even turned 18. I just can't 

"Good morning" 
"Morning, Samantha." Deaton said opening the door, giving me a smile
"I need your help. Sorry it's early."
"It's okay. What can I help you with-" I lift the side of my shirt, and that made him go quiet "Oh. I see."
"Can you tell me if I'm going to die, or not." I already know though "Because I don't feel to good."
"I don't know. Honestly, I never seen something like this before. But I do have something to help with sickness." He said walking to the other side of the room
"Okay. Do you also have something to help with the voices." I said rubbing the back of my head, looking down. I said touching the side of my head
"Voices?" He asked still looking for something
"I been hearing people in- in my head. And they won't shut up. They just keep talking."
"What are they saying?"
"They are saying-saying I should kill myself, no one wants me, I'm a failure. And I been seeing a old friend."
"What do that person say?"
"He pops up, in my head, or realty. I don't know , and he talks to me." closing my eyes trying not to cry.
"Okay. I can see if I have something for that too. Here you go." He said giving me a bottle of pills
"What is this?" I said taking it
"Something to help with the pain, and sickness." he said looking at my face
"Thank you." I said smiling, and walking away

I skipped P.E for today too. I felt like going home, but I couldn't I had a test today. I check in with my parents. They finally agreed of letting Issac stay with us. YAY. Stiles says stay away from him, but he needs people to look after him, and Scott said so too. 

I walked into the locker room looking for Lyds to check on her
"Hey Lyds, how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine"
"Okay, you wasn't answering my text, I had to come and check on you. Don't want you to g0 missing again.

I stopped talking, my head started pounding, I felt weird.
"Hey Sam, You okay."

"Erica" I said in a low voice, but they heard me 
I run to the gym room, Scott is already there.
"Turn her." I yelled
"Turn her on her side." Allison yelled after me
"How did you know?"Allison asked Scott
"I just felt it" Scott said looking up at me
"How did you know?" Scott asked me
"I don't know. I just felt it."

The next day. I take a math test. Pass, got a B. YAY ME. 
I met up with Lyds, and we walked to lunch together. They was talking about something, I stopped listening. I side started hurting again, like when I first got marked. 
"What the hell is that?"
I heard Lyds say, looking up I saw Erica walking with heels on, looking very hot. She picked up an apple, bit into it. She looked at me smile, and wink. Of course I smiled back.
Shit. She's the new werewolf. Ain't she? Of course she is. Why can't anyone be normal? Stiles,and Scott got up to see where she went. I couldn't move, the pain was too much. Deaton gave me one job, and I couldn't even do it. All I had to do was take a pill, in the mornings.

                                                       THE NEXT MORNING

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