The new wolfs

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Lydia have been missing for 2 days. I am going crazy. My best friend is missing, maybe dead. 

To catch myself up on my life. Me, and my best friend/sister Lyds got bitten, by a huge asshole werewolf name Peter. But while I asleep Derek killed Peter, and became a leader wolf. Allison totally pulled away from everyone, after her mom died. I never liked her mom, but still. Pain. got it. I throw up black blood sometimes, and I pass out a lot. I got head-aces, and feel light-headed. I been pulling away from Scott,and Stiles. Mainly Stiles after what happened in the starting of the year. I mean.. who does that? Anyways.....

Me and Issac been hangout a lot. Nothing happened. I don't want to "second choice" him, like Stiles do me. After the dance, which Bash totally ditch me, he said he had very important things to do. Like whatever. I'm not your mother. He been making it up to me by buying me candy everyday. 
I have to say I think I'm starting to like him.

day 3 of my best friend being gone. I been talking to Ally. When catching up with my boys, they didn't tell me Kate was killed by Peter. I tried to take my mind off things, by getting in the shower.

Just listening to the water fall, I start thinking to myself.
Why did we scream at the same time? Why do I keep throwing up?I don't feel good. Getting out the shower, I got dress and went downstairs to make me something to eat. 

         Then I passed out ....

"I really like her. I had a crush on her since the 6th grade but she always saw him, and not me. This year all that change. This year I'm going to make her see me." A voice said. I heard it before. But where

"Hey wake up. What are you doing here. Shouldn't you be at school?"
I feel someone shaking me. But I can't move. 
"Hey. Can you move?"
No dumbass
"Are you dead?"
Like if I was I would be beatheing. think bebe think
"Can you move?"
What the hell?  Why didn't I think of that Stiles? God,Why are we friend again?
"I'll go get my dad.
Yes! Someone with brains

"I didn't even know she slept over. What happened to her?" Noah said walking over to me 
"I don't know." Stiles say
"Why did she sleep at?" Noah say
"I don't know."Stiles say
"Okay. I'll call Mi-" Noah say, me cutting him off by moving around. FML
I feel a shock come over me , and I tried to move again. Lucky this time I can
"No it's okay. I can feel now. I'm sorry for dropping in on the both of you like this. I'm late for school. Again I am so sorry for all of this. Later Stilinskis." I said walking really fast out their house, not even looking back for a second. Ugh When do I sleep walk?

DAY 3 of my best friend being missing. Because that what she was, MISSING, not out there by herself, not because  she wanted to be. 

I think I should tell Scott, I'm dying. I'm throwing up more blood everyday. I feel sicker. I been blowing off my friends. I don't feel like getting out of bed any more. 

"Sweetie, are you okay? Do you need anything?" My mom said standing by my door, with my dad
"No. Thank you."
"Okay. Just text or call. Me and your om are leaving for work. We love you. See you later." They smiles and walked away
"Bye. I love you too."

I feel like shit. Like I'm dying, because I am.
I should tell Scott. He would know what to do.
I was calling Scott, then I passed out.....

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