"It's just that," he continued, "I know mom only accepted him because he's Alpha. If I ever tell her that I'm dating a guy named Fred, she'd disown me. For fuck' sake, if dad was alive he'd be so dissapointed in all three of us."

"Why would he be disappointed in Senpai? As far as I remember, he liked girls."

Beta rolled his eyes; "Yeah, you're not wrong there - but Sen never settled on anyone. He switched partners faster than I could keep up counting them. As perfect as he claimed he was, he also had a lot of college rumors going around about him."

"I see..." Fred pondered, "Well, sometimes in order to find yourself and be happy - you have to disappoint your parents' views. You are not a cardboard copy of your father, you never will be; because you are your own person. That is what I love the most about you."

Beta flinched internally at those words. Love. That felt so good and horrible at the same time. He didn't really know what to reply as he parked the car outside of the garbage place. After a moment of silence, he spoke up finally; "I guess you're right, he's dead anyway, so it doesn't even matter."


"Go transform now, I'll look for an entrance or a crawl space, okay?"

"Be careful, I hope they don't have any guard dogs.."

"I have killed four people. I think I can handle some dirty dogs!"


Fred watched as Beta stepped out of the car and circled the fence.

A loud shatter rang through Fred's ears as he watched Beta throw a brick at a TV laughing maniacally. He himself was tired sitting on an old couch. Fred was extremely grateful that the place seemed closed with no one keeping guard. Still, he couldn't help but be on edge.

"This is so fun!"

"Ah, yes..."

Beta himself plopped himself next to Fred.

"Sometimes I wonder how your previous servants were and if they were as fun as me."

"You should know that you are far from a servant to me anymore."

Beta reached to grasp his hands pulling himself closer.

"Hah, yeah. I'm pretty special."

"Of course you are," Fred confirmed, picking up a decently sized rock with his fist and throwing it on some half broken window - watching as the glass shattered in all directions. "My other servants hated me. They wouldn't wish to talk to me even, I had to manipulate them to do what I wanted."

"That's fucked up, Fred. I love it." Beta smiled, throwing his arms around the taller's shoulders, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Fred melted into the gesture, purring in return.

"Curse this hunger I was born with..."

Beta found himself leaning in more as his mouth made contact with Fred's face. "Everyone has a deep dark hunger inside them." He whispered. "Some are better than others at hiding it."

He continued to trail kisses along Fred's face as Fred made sounds of enjoyment. "Beta, I think I lo-"

The sound of footsteps in the distance stopped him. He pulled away, eyes jolting.

"Shit Fred, someone is coming..." Beta hissed.

"It sounds like one person. I think it will be fine to jump them."

"Ugh, let's not kill anyone more right now. We don't know if someone else is with them. Hide or something and I'll talk to them."


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