The Sick Rose

Depuis le début

Severus rolled his eyes, sitting on the bed and pulling you to his chest, letting you rest your head on him. "Just a few things my little Rose" he said, not letting any secrets away as usual. You smiled, feeling Severus wrap two arms around you and soon you fell asleep.

You woke to thunder, Severus was gone and you where alone in the bed, you felt worse, your head banged and you where frozen. "Sev" you moaned, "Severus where are you". You heard a noise and the door opened "I feel so awful" you moaned "maybe you gave me something bad"

"Of course I didn't" Severus said, coming to your side and stroking your forehead. 

"I feel really bad" you sniffed. 

"Oh dear precious" he murmured "take some more medicine" Propping you up again 

You shook your head but he forced the medicine in your mouth. Tears began to form, the medicine tasted bad and you just was so ill and you hurt so much.

"It is for your own good" he said gently, pulling the spoon out of your mouth and setting you back down.  He went to leave and you called out for him, you did not want to be alone. Severus turned and returned to your side, settling down beside you and pulling you to him in a warm hug. "Shh now" he murmured, placing a kiss onto your head "Don't be upset" You nodded, settling down into his arms feeling as helpless as a babe. "I will look after you". You melted into him, and slowly fell back asleep.

You woke once again, feeling better, your headache had subsided and you no longer felt cold. You where still wrapped in the arms of Severus who was awake and watching you as you woke. 

"I feel much better" you murmured, slowly releasing yourself from his grasp.

"I am glad" he said, not buding from his tight hug to let you free

"I had better go home to check my plants" you murmured, "Now I feel better, oh and god, my work"

"Do not worry yourself over the trivial things" Severus said, not letting you escape his grasp. 

"It is not trivial" you said, frowning "My job is my source of income and my plants are important to me"

"No, you cannot leave yet" Severus purred "You are still shivering slightly. I shall deal with your plants. You must rest or you shall return to illness" You frowned again. "Please have some more medicine" he said, realising you. "To make sure you are well"

You slowly agreed, letting Severus give you another spoonful of the foul liquid. "Let me look after everything" he cooed, rising as you felt drowsy once again and fell back asleep.

You woke to darkness, once again you shivered and your head was worse than ever. You could bairly move without your body complaining, sending waves of aching pain all over you. Tears started to form, your job, your life, your health was falling apart and you could not help but let out a little wail, feeling so helpless an hopeless. 

While you quietly cried, Severus was downstairs, slowly going through his potion book. He had been feeding you a low level poison which had made your illness worse, however, felt like he needed a different type of potion to keep you here but without the nasty side effects. Severus wished for you to stay where he could have you, he did not want you to even be just next door and working anymore, his paranoid nature took the better of him and he did not wish for you to leave. He loved you too much, even if he was to destroy your life, you had to stay with him, forever.

Severus heard you as you got out of bed, looking for the toilet, your stomach starting to turn badly. You made it to the toilet and throw up what seemed to be a strange purple liquid, you cried in pain, upset at your situation. You felt a hand brush your hair out of your face as you slumped against the toilet, exhausted

"Why is this happening to me" you cried, being pulled back into Severus.

"I don't know" Severus lied, kissing your tears and pulling you up, flushing the toilet. "You should return to bed"

You mumbled something in response, to exhausted to disagree

"My darling you will stay here until you are well" Severus said, kissing away new tears which formed on your cheeks as he placed you back in bed

"But my life" you protested

"Your life is unimportant for as long as you are ill" Severus said, placing your head onto his stomach and gently running his long fingers through your hair. "Now sleep my rose, sleep my love" he gently murmured as your eyes fluttered shut.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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