Chapter 27

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Currently throwing up because I saw some mangled dead bodies.


"(Y/n)!" Ahmya shouted whilst her voice cracked.

She had been out all night searching for you with the police.

"(Y/n), dear! Where are you!?" She grabbed onto a bench for support.

She felt her head grow light.

"Ma'am I can assure you we'll find her. Take a seat and test please," and officer can over to her.

He handed her a bottle of water and she sat down on the bench. She held her head.

"It will not happen again," she muttered under her breath.


Fuji hadn't spoken a word to you. He just sat behind you, playing with your hair.

You were silent as well. Just staring out of the window.

You listened as Fuji hummed along to a song. It seemed very familiar. Your eyes never wavered from the window as the man behind you twirled your hair.

"(Y/n)," Fuji spoke up.

You stayed silent.

"I was wondering if..." he started, but trailed off.

You turned slightly.

"If what?" You asked.

He looked you in the eyes, and then looked away.

"Never mind."

Now he had your attention and curiosity.

"No, spit it out," you said now fully turned.

"No, it's honestly nothing," he said standing up.

"Takahashi, tell me."

Fuji looked at you. It's been so long since he heard you call him by his last name. It felt wrong.

"Don't call me that," he said.

"I can call you whatever I like," you said.

"Listen here (y/n)-"

"Listen here Takahashi you know how rude it is to spike someone's curiosity," you said holding onto his sleeve.

He hesitantly sat back down. His hand began rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to form words.

"(Y/n), I really really love you."

"Mhm," you hummed in a sarcastic tone.

"I'd do anything for you. And that's why I'd like for you," he said as he slowly got quieter.

"What?" You asked as you inches closer to him.

He took a deep breath. In and out. His eyes locked with yours.

"I know it's sudden but I would like to marry you."

You sat there, shocked. A laughed erupted from within you.

"You're joking!" You shouted as you clutched your stomach.
"You think that I'd marry you after all you've done?!"

He sat there, an icy glare directed at you.

"I don't care what you think. You WILL marry me," he said his voice waving slightly.

Your laughter died down once you found out he was serious. Began to shake your head slightly.

"No. I won't."

"(Y/n), I would give my life for you. We can start over. Start a family. I just want us to be happy again," he said in a desperate tone.
"I don't care what you think. You will do as I say."

"You're fucking delusional. You think I want to start a family with you. HA! I didn't think you could lose your mind any more."

Fuji stood up, and brought you with him. His arms wrapped firmly around your waist as he brought you closer to him.

"Fool. That's all you are. You're a fool (y/n). You wouldn't know what true love was if it slapped you across the face! I have devoted myself to you, and I think it's time you do the same." He said as his psychotic grin began to appear.

"No!" You shouted as you clawed to get a away from him.

His hand firmly grabbed ahold of your jaw.

"I suggest you be quiet," he said lowly as one of his hands slowly crept up your leg.

Your whole body froze.

"No! Please no, I-I'm sorry," you shouted once more.

"Don't you think it's a little too late for apologies?" He asked.
"I've tried many times apologizing to you, and all I get in return is being treated like trash. Well two can play that game."

Your hand made contact with his face and he dropped you. You scrambled to get to your feet while on the floor.

"Come. Here!" He shouted.

Hi hand latched onto your ankle.

"Don't touch me!" You shouted as a kick landed on his face.

Fuji fell back into the ground. You took this as your chance to get up. Unfortunately, Fuji wasn't much slower than you. He got up as well. You jump over the small couch that was in the room.

"Get away from me!" You screeched.

"(Y/n), this is your last warning!" He shouted as he took on a defensive stance.

You stared him in the eyes. You watched as every emotion flashed through his pale red eyes. You watched as he visibly relaxed as you looked at him. You took this chance to dart towards a window.

'Fuck it!' You thought as you sprinted towards the glass.

You were only two feet away from the delicate pane before Fuji had grabbed your hair. You let out a disgruntled Yelp as you felt some hair leave your head.

"I told you that was your last fucking chance," he seethed as a wicked smile covered his face.

"Kill me! I bet you won't! You're nothing but an overgrown man baby!" You shouted at him.

At this point you'd rather succumb to the sweet clutches of death than spend another minute with this man.

"Do it!," you cried as your voice cracked.

"Trust me my love," he said as he tossed you to the floor.
"I'll be doing much worse."


Lmao I'm traumatized to say the least. I can't stop shaking. I hate my permit classes.

 I hate my permit classes

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