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Amelia pov

"you all know what I am thinking! Right, Amelia?" Harry said.

"I know he isn't..." I said.

"I agree with her, it was fishy but the one time your sister picks out a guy she loves, he can't be a Death Eater. Amelia's life would be. well.."

"fucked up? it already is."

"Amelia, break up with him, he's probably using you for information!" Harry demanded

"he asked me out in the fourth year, did it seem like he was a Deatheater then? no, so stop, please."

"Okay." Ron said slowly. "so you think Draco Malfoy is a death eater? why would you know who wants a sod like Malfoy?"

"Lucius, his father is a death eater, it only makes sense. Amelia what did Borgin tell you!"

"Harry, stop! my taste in guys can't be that bad, my boyfriend can't. he will not be a fucking bloody death eater, working for the person who killed my family so just, please, stop.."

"I need some air." He said, grabbing something out of his bag with his cloak and walking out.

"You know what, I'm going sit near Luna and Neville, see you two later," I said.

I walked to their compartment and opened the door, "may I sit with y'all?"


I sat down on one of the sides, Neville and Luna were on the other side.

"is something wrong?" Asked Luna.

"just Harry being Harry Paranoid Potter."

Luna handed me a quibbler magazine.

"Thanks, Luna." 

"Look, my grandmother got me a new plant this year!"

I looked up from the magazine, "what kind?"

" I'm not sure. I heard it gives good luck!" Neville answered.

"I need some of that." I muttered.

"Are we still doing the DA meetings?" Luna asked.

"Well we did it because of Umbridge and she's gone," I say. "So probably not."

Blaise had then walked in and looked at me,  "The new Professor wants to see you and Neville." I nodded, Neville and I got up, following him to a compartment.

I noticed this guy, McLaggen. He tried to get with me a few times but slowly stopped after I turned him down. Now he's going after Hermione, Dick Move McLaggen.

"Amelia! my dear!sit down, sit down!"Slughorn said, as Neville sat down, then me, and then Blaise." you must be Neville Longbottom! Ginny and Blaise have told me they know you, Amelia!"

I smiled and nodded as more people came in like my twin.


Everyone had walked out except Me and Blaise and I laughed, "I so want to meet your mother."
He smiled and also laughed, "she is not the best, has got the worst taste of men"

Bad taste in men too? If she enjoyed the company of witches with lesser blood than her, we would get along perfectly fine.

Slughorn then walked back in,"oh, you two are still here!"

"sorry, we can leave now."

"Oh it is fine,my dear!"Slughorn said,"are you two a couple?you seem very close!"

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘴 (6th year)Where stories live. Discover now