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"When did you get here Hermione?" I asked

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"When did you get here Hermione?" I asked. We were all sitting in a circle, I was in front of Harry Hermione and Ron in front of each other.

"A few days ago," Hermione answered. "For a while, I didn't know if I was coming."

"Mom, sort of. . .lost it last week," Ron explains. "said ginny I had no business going back to Hogwarts, said it's too dangerous," Ron said in a low-ish voice.

"oh come on," Harry said.

"She's not alone," Hermione said. "Even my parents are muggles and they sense something bad."

"Anyway, dad stopped in, told her she was being crazy. It took her a few days to come around," Ron told us.

"This is Hogwarts we're talking about. it's Dumbledore we're talking about, what could be safer?" Harry said making me and Hermione look at each other and I started to list the things silently.

"There have been a lot of talks recently that, Dumbledore has got a bit old..." Hermione said.

"Rubbish! well, he's only..what is he?" Harry said

"120?" I suggested.

"150? give or take a few years,"  Ron said.

At that moment, we all started laughing. The feeling of nostalgia went around the room. It felt like we were kids again.


Fleur was talking about her test at Beauxbatons, Ginny and Hermione looked annoyed by her while Ron is practically in love with her. Harry and I are friends with her, she was then interrupted by a scream.

Hermione was pointing to the kitchen window.
Four black specks were coming towards us in the sky.

"Well they are owls," Ron said hoarsely."There are four of them, for each of us."Harry said.
I played with the rings on my hand, I was nervous. Last year I had to rush through my O.W.L. because of the whole i was dead thing. Mrs. Weasley passed them around to each of us and we opened them.

Narrator pov

They all opened their letters and unfolded the parchments inside.

Ron had no outstanding.

Harry did pretty well, he had a dreadful in History of Magic, and a poor in Divination.

Everyone elses was alright. Hermione had nine outstanding but an Exceeds Exceptions in DADA.

"What did you get Amelia?"Hermione asked.

Amelia was frozen, she didn't answer.

"Amelia!"Harry yelled waking her up.

"Sorry-sorry, what?"Amelia said.

Ron asked before Hermione could ask again,
"What did you get?"

Amelia handed Hermione her parchment and Hermione gasped. Ron took it and yelled, "IT ISN'T EVEN BAD IDIOT!"

Harry then asked, "what did she get?"

Ron and Hermione both said at the same time, "She has all outstanding!"

"I didn't even mean to get them all, I was in a rush," Amelia said.

"So that's what I'm supposed to do," Ginny joked.

Amelia pov
"Congrats Harry," I said as he told me that he was the quidditch captain and we walked down where bill and fleur were.

Harry then asked me, "will you be trying out for beater? Or something else? you know how to play and we need good  players."

"I don't know," I answered.

"You will automatically have a spot on the team," Harry said to me as Ron and Hermione sat next to us.

"I think you should try for beater," Ginny said also sitting down.

"Maybe" I gave them a small smile.

Bill then handed Harry and I bags of gold.

"Where's mine?" Ron demanded, with his eyes wide.

"That's already for them, idiot."Said, Bill."I got it out of your vault for you two, it has been taking five hours for the Public to get their gold. The goblins have tightened security."

Fleur then complemented Bill as she stroked his nose, Ginny mimicked vomiting into her bowl behind Fleur.

"Of course she liked Amelia, she's stealing everything from me. My best friend, and my. . .other friend." Hermione said as her and Ginny watched them talk.

"Your boyfriend?" Ginny laughed placing a chip in her mouth.

"No!" Hermione blushed. "Ron isn't my boyfriend!"

"Never said anything about Ron." She smirked.

"I don't like him, and he doesn't like me. He likes phlegm." Hermione said and had a nasty tone when she said "phlegm."

"Well, she doesn't like him. She's obsessed with Bill." Ginny said and glanced back at Fleur and Amelia who was also now talking with bill.

" Ginny said and glanced back at Fleur and Amelia who was also now talking with bill

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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘴 (6th year)Where stories live. Discover now