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The race

The pod's were pulled to the race track and readied up and I heard the announcers speak, informing the crowd who and where everyone were. I picked up a screwdriver and began fixing Ani's breaks, so he could stop when he needed to. I watched Ani's mother approach him and say something to him. "You won't walk away from this one, you slave scum." I heard Dug say. "Hey, he has more chance then you ever will." I commented and the creature looked at me and laughed. "Jedi fool." He stated and I smiled. "You won't be saying that when he wins." I returned and the creature turned away and walked back to his own pod. I helped Ani climb up into his pod when my father walked over. "Feel, don't think, use your instincts." My father pointed out and Anakin nodded. "I will." He returned. "May the force be with you." My father said turning in walking away, I kissed Ani on the cheek. "Good luck." I said and his entire face went red in embarrassment I smirked and walked away.

The announcers spoke again. "Jabba the hutt," I heard them say I looked up to see the hutt's. "Let the race begin." He shouted in Huttese. I walked over to my father and I heard Padme, arguing with him about his choices once again. We were lifted up in a lift to our seats and I watched the Podracers intrigued. "Thisa gonna be messy messa not watching." Jar Jar stated. Everyone began to race except from Ani. "Come on Ani, you can fix this." I muttered under my breath, after a few seconds he managed to get his Pod to start. 

We watched screens to see Anakin's racing. Announcers were announcing everything that was happening on the screens. "He's coming." I heard Padme point out and I smiled. "Two more laps to go." Someone's pod blew up, causing one of Ani's boosters to come off. "Skywalkers spinning out of control." I heard the announcers announce. I watched on the edge of my seat as Anakin fixed the problem. He came back, he was on his final lap. Sebula pushed him off course but he soon came back and managed to get infront. "Go ani." I cheered but something happened to his racer and sebula took the lead once again. Anakin managed to  reach Sebula and drive him off course passing the finish line with ease. Everyone cheered and we walked towards his racer. "I knew you could do it, without one doubt." I stated and he smiled, "Thank you for believing in me." He returned and I smiled, "Anytime."

We made it back to the garages, away from the cheering crowd. Padme kneeled down and hugged Ani. "We owe you everything ani." Padme commented and I smiled. His mom then kissed his cheek. "It's so wonderful, Ani. You have brought hope to those who have none. I'm so very proud of you." She said and I looked at him. My father went to the winged creature again. To deal the debt. He returned with a smile. "We've got the parts." He informed and I grinned widely, "And it's all thanks to Ani." I added ruffling his hair, he laughed. "I'm just glad I could help." He stated and I hugged him, "You have done more then just help, Ani." I informed him, he hugged me back and said a goodbye. 

Once we pulled away I pulled my father aside. "Father, we can't leave the boy." I stated and my father nodded. "We're not." He said and I smiled, "He's coming with us?" I asked and my father nodded, "Yes I believe so, but let's get these parts to the ship first." We got onto some creatures and they pulled the parts and took us to the ship. 

"I have to go back, I have some unfinished business to take care of." My father informed Obi once we made it to the ship. "Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic lifeform?" Obi asked and I rolled my eyes. "He's not pathetic." I defended him. "It's the boy who's responsible for getting these parts. Get this hyperdrive generator installed." My father instructed and Obi nodded. "Yes master, It shouldn't take long." 

Me and my father rode back to the little town. I became alarmed. "Father I sense the darkside is near." I brought it up. "I don't sense anything, but keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious activity." My father responded and I nodded, "Yes father." We met back up with Ani and my father handed him some money, walking us back to his house.

"Mom, we sold the Pod! Look at all the money we have." Anakin stated giving it to his mother. "Oh my goodness, that's so wonderful Ani." His mother responded. "And, he's also been freed." My father added and Anakin turned around shocked. "What?!" He asked, thinking that he misheard my father. "You're no longer a slave, Ani." I smiled and he turned back to his mother. "Did you hear that?" He asked his mother and his mother smiled. "Now you can make your dreams come true, Ani. You are free. Will you take him with you? Is he to become a Jedi?" His mother asked looking at both my Father and I. I turned to look at my father to see the answer. "Yes. Our meeting was not a coincidence. Nothing happens by accident." My father answered and I smiled at Ani. "You mean I get to come with you in your starship?" He questioned intrigued with the out come. "Anakin, training to be a Jedi is not a easy challenge, and even if you succeed, it's a hard life." My father explained. "But I wanna go. It's what I've always dreamed of doing. Can I go mom?" Anakin protested, asking his mom's permission. 

"Anakin, this path has been placed before you. The choice is yours alone." His mother responded, looking at Anakin with a small smile, despite knowing that she was going to loose her son. "I wanna do it." he returned and her smile vanished. "Then pack your things, we haven't got much time." I stated and he ran towards his room but then he stopped and realized, "What about mom? Is she free too?" he asked looking at us all and I looked down, avoiding his eye contact, I didn't want to tell him the news. "I tried to free your mother, Ani, but Watto wouldn't have it" My father informed him,he walked towards his mother, "You're coming with us aren't you mom?" He asked walking up to her. "Son, my place is here. My future is here. It is time for you to let go." His mom explained, taking Ani's hands. "I don't want things to change." He protested and I looked at him full with sympathy. "But you can't stop the change... any more than you can stop the suns from setting. Oh, I love you." She stated hugging him. "Now, hurry." She said pulling away and he pulled my arm to his room and I followed.

I began helping him pack his clothes and things. Anakin turned 3PO on. "Well, C3P0, I've been freed and I'm going away on a star ship." He informed the robot. "Master Anakin, you are my maker and I wish you well. However, I should prefer it if I were a little more completed." The bot returned looking down at his parts. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish you, 3PO, give you coverings and all. I'm gonna miss working on you. You've been a great pal. I'll make sure Mom doesn't sell you or anything." Anakin explained, picking up his bag and walking out of his room, I followed behind. "Sell me?" 3PO questioned shocked. "Bye." Anakin waved and we all walked back to the front room and out the door, Shimi, following behind, watching us leave.

Anakin stopped walking and ran back to his mother, hugging her. After a while he returned. "The feelings back." I commented and he looked me as we began to run. "Qui gon sir, I'm tired." Anakin whined, I heard a buzzing, my father must've heard it too as we both turned around at the same time. "Anakin drop." I warned him, seeing someone with a hood, coming towards us with a speeder. I immediately powered up my light saber, my father doing the same. "Y/n, Anakin, go! Tell them to take off. "But dad." I protested, as Anakin ran off. "Now." My father ordered and I reluctantly did as he said, running to the ship, catching up to anakin. 

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