"Yea. Same. I mean I'm good a sports but I hate 'em. You can go sit with that redhead on the bleachers and if any administrator comes in, just pretend you're sick or something...works every time."

Castiel smiled widely and nodded.

He looked around the gym before spotting a girl with red hair, glasses, and a purple jacket, scribbling something in a notebook.

Castiel slowly made his way over to her and sat down.

The girl looked up at him and narrowed her eyes before smiling.

"Hi! I'm Charlie Bradbury."

"Castiel Novak. Pleasure to meet you." He smiled.

She nodded and continued to write in her journal.

"So we don't have to do anything?"

Charlie looked up at him and smirked.

"Hells no we don't."

"But what about our grade? Wont we be failing horribly if we don't do anything?"

"Nope. The coach fills in those grades, besides, all they do is play random sports." She explained.

Castiel nodded fiddled with his bag. He glanced over at Charlie and noticed she was wearing a Deathly Hollows shirt under her jacket.

"Hey! Nice shirt."

Charlie looked up at him and smiled.

"Thanks." And with that, she went back to scribbling in her journal.

Curious, Castiel scooted closer and glanced at what she was writing. He knew it was wrong but she seemed to think he was another guy who knew nothing of the fandom world when actually, that was all he lived for. Maybe she was writing something that he would know about.

Castiel leaned far enough to see what she was writing and almost bursted out into a laughing fit but ended up blushing madly-- how does that even happen?

"Is that. . .fanfiction?"

Charlie's writing slowed down and she glanced back at him.

"W-what? No. . ." She stretched out.

"You sure? Cause I'm pretty sure I saw something about John running his tongue up Sherlock's
c-- "

"OKAY!" She screamed, covering his mouth. "Fine, I am writing fanfiction and it is Johnlock but that's only because my laptop crashed and I forgot my phone at home today and I have all these ideas but this journal is the only thing I have to write them down. So yea." She sighed.

Castiel smiled widely. Charlie's expression however changed.

"Wait...you said your name was Cas, right?" She asked. She looked a bit worried.

"Yea. Why?"

She bit her bottom lip nervously and sighed.

"Dean talked about you during lunch...just be careful. Dean may be a bit too playful."

Castiel slowly nodded and scrunched his brows together. Why would he have to worry about Dean? He seemed like a nice person. And he was very attractive.

He shouldn't need to worry about him...right?


// Michael's POV

Lucifer was everywhere!

He was probably just worried about him or something but he was just everywhere.

The Little Things You Do (Destiel/Sabriel AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें