Chapter Twenty- The Spell Begins

Start from the beginning

Looking at what Miranda had done so far, she smiled. While her sister carried around candle, she usually used incense. Human’s had funny names for them and she knew three that had the word ‘blood’ in it. ‘Werewolf blood’, ‘Dragon blood’ and ‘Vampire blood’. 

Carefully, she put an incense holder between each candle. Using ‘werewolf blood’ for each one. Both she and Miranda would need to light them, before the spell started.

“Danielle, is Miranda ready?” Austin asked. He was done getting ready. The black pants and shirt weren’t that different, just done in a different era’s fashion. “Or is she trying to keep her emotions under control.”

“This spell will need concretion,” Danielle told him while standing up, getting the dirt off the skirt of her dress, the outer layer a dark midnight black. The inner layer a pure white. “We can’t mess up.”

“Why not?” Jerry asked looking at the sky. His checks were slightly red, Danielle was pretty and curvy, unlike Miranda, who was just cute. “Is something going to happen?”

“If and that’s a big if,” Danielle said looking at her laced up boots, making sure that it was still done up. “We’ll either seal them or completely undo it… letting the demons go free. Leaving the seal alone, it’ll break in another four or three hours, but if something happens, they’ll be out sooner than that.”

“No wonder she’s stressed,” Austin said.

“She’s nervous and has her own doubts.”

“So she’s trying to calm down.”

“Most likely Austin.”


“Danielle, I’m ready.” Miranda said as she went to point of the star. Danielle nodded and Miranda handed her a thick black head band. “Too keep your hair out of your eyes.”

“You’ll have to worry about yours more.”

“I’m already on it.”

“Let me put it up,” Danielle said while putting the headband in her hair and quickly putting Miranda’s into a high ponytail, with a thick black hair tie and navy ribbon.

“Why ribbon?”

“You’re cute.”

“Am not!”

“Sorry, but you are.” Austin said from behind on of the trees. “You’re the cutest person, I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.”

Miranda only looked at her naked feet. She and her mother loved ancient Egyptian clothing, even if she liked the material that was found in China.

“I agree with Austin and Danielle.”

“You’re traditors!” Miranda shouted. She needed to have her attention on the spell, not what the other’s thought of her. “Danielle, we’ll need to start soon.”

“Of course, Miranda.” 

“Can we start?” Miranda asked looking at the candles. She would need to light them, along with the incense her sister put out, with a flick of her hand, the candles and incense was light.

“I’m ready,” Danielle said her energy building up, she was ready to help her sister. Some spells needed more energy than others, this one needed a lot and it was the reason, a least six more were needed for the more permeant method. “Ready whenever you are.” 

“With the thread of soul and the crimes of your own design. I bind your evil, three times seven. I bind you from behind. I bind from before,” Miranda chanted, the first spell already starting. The lines starting to glow and the salt making sure no one will enter, not from the spirit plan. “That you’ll hurt my people never more. I blind you from the left. I bind you from the right. I bind you by the day and night. I bind you from below. I bind you from above. That you may never know, the law of life and love. I bind you with your own conscience. Within and so let this magic unfold… and spin.”


Both Austin and Jerry could only watch. The ground glow, along with the fire from the candles going a brighter blue. Austin was focused on what was going on in front of him, which left Jerry having to poke him in the ribs.

“Austin, I thought I saw something move,” he told his older brother, pointing to the right. Austin nodded and the two carefully walked over. Both of them sighed. Savanna and Parker, they would need to talk to them.

“This isn’t good,” Austin said looking at the couple. So far, they just seemed shocked, the phone in Parkers hand landing on the ground. Both Jerry and Austin never liked the Rose’s, since the family would always try to use them. Getting into their dad’s good books.

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