Chapter Nine- Vampire's Past

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“Miranda, there’s a reason we’re here, right?” Austin asked as he looked at the house in front of him. The two were in Germany, but the house was on the border. He was surprised that no one from Poland or Germany had found the old house.

“Of course there is,” Miranda told him. She didn’t know if the house was safe to talk in, but luckily they didn’t have to go into the house, she just had to find a symbol.

“Is that safe to walk in?” Austin didn’t know about it, since the front door was falling off and the wood in the house was rotting. He didn’t think that the planks could take a lot of weight, not without breaking first. 

“Well… no one has done anything to this house since the seventeen or sixteen hundreds,” she said while looking at the rotting wood. All she had to do was put a bit a magic and it’ll be fine, but she would have to do that later “so I don’t know, anyway, we’re only here for my mother’s spell book,”

“So how are we going to get it?”

Miranda just looked at the brunette. They didn’t have to enter the house, but she didn’t know how she was going to explain that. After getting things from her hiding spot, there was a map in the back of her mother’s favourite book.

Austin watched as Miranda walked to the side of the house. He looked at the ivory growing on the side, the green plant was happy to go into the wooden boards, where he found an old style of brick. It looked like someone had out wood over it.

“I know it’s around here,” she muttered to herself, carefully patting the dust away with her hands. She need to find that symbol so she could do the spell.

“What are you looking for?” he asked while a smile appeared on her face. Quickly she got the dust off the round painting. Faintly he could see a water lily painted onto the side “how many people know about the demons,”

“Barely anyone,” Miranda told him, while getting her mother’s mirror out of her pocket. About the same size as the painting with a water lily on the back “the only reason I know… is because my mother told me and she was there. Until now, she was the only one from that time,”

“The only one?”

“The only. There were about seven other people who helped her,”

“What happened to them?”

“They went crazy and vampire hunters had to get rid of them,” Miranda told him “demons were vampires, but they’re ones who lost their hearts. These ones… they wanted to take over the world, for the humans to feel our pain,”

“Vampire hunters… how long have they been around,”

“About as long as my kind… now I need to do the spell,” Miranda told him, while putting her fingers to her lips. Lightly putting the mirror the wall she took a breath and began “Mirror to see, mirror to know. Mirror to help the power flow. Mirror absorb, reflect my gaze. Show me the future, show me the past. All that is hidden, revealed at last. Mirror, mirror, display for me. That which I desire to see!”

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