" Fuck. I don't even know how to fucking say this, I don't even know how to begin to say this", he said as he turned around to look out the large picture window.

Izuku scrunched his face as he looked at the blondes broad back, he felt his heart rate pick up, feeling even more nervous now.

" Kacchan, you're...you're scaring me a little"

Katsuki turned back around giving the greenett a small smile as he moved forward and crouched on his haunches in front of him.

" Yeah? I'm scared too."

Izuku went wide eyed.

" W-what? You're Kacchan, big strong, fight off anything Kacchan" , the greenett said

Katsuki gave a small laugh as he looked down again then rose Crimson eyes that now had a glassy look that Izuku felt an ache seeing.

" Yeah, I know. And fear is new for me, but here I fucking am scared as hell"

Izuku reached out and let his fingertips touch a cool but perfect complexion.

" What.. what are you scared of Kacchan?"

Katsuki swallowed hard, leaning into the touch on his face unsure that he would ever get to feel it again.

He reached up slowly taking the greenett's smaller hand in his speaking again in a voice that came out almost reminiscent of a scared lost child.

" I'm scared of the look I'm getting ready to pull from those pretty eyes."

" I'm scared of the rejection that I'm fucking positive is getting ready to be spit at me from that perfect mouth"

I'm scared to see fear where I once saw admiration and desire"

There was a pause as a tear without warning fell from deep crimson eyes.

" And I'm scared to...to lose you Deku, I'm fucking terrified"

Izuku felt his heart breaking and he didn't even know the reason yet as his own tears were now down his face as he watched the emotional blonde.

" K-Kacchan, it's... it's ok baby, just tell me what it is ok?", the greenett soothed softly.

Katsuki felt something inside him ache deeply when Izuku affectionately call him baby. He wanted to grab the words and the feeling it just brought him and save it forever.

Without much control another tear escaped a crimson eye as his hand tightened on the greenett's.

" Remember the night in the park when you first met me, and I told you that you... you shouldn't be out there at night roaming around because monsters do exist and you never know what's out there?"

Izuku's own hand now tightened as he recalled the words clearly.

" Y-yes"

Katsuki eyes locked onto jade.

" Izuku, I'm... I'm the monster baby" , he said lifeless sounding with a sob threatening the back of his throat.

Izuku furrowed his brow in fear and confusion and Katsuki heard his heart rate pick up.

" Wait.. what? W-what in the world do you mean by that??"

Katsuki bit his lip out of anxiety as he continues.

" You.. you're going to have a hard time believing what I'm about to fucking say, but I promise you, it's the truth."

Izuku said nothing only stared wide eyed as he held on the the blondes hand tightly.

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