{ VIII } Missing Girl Found

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Day 11

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Day 11

Life with Nick was slowly becoming bearable. It became only slightly bearable because he made it that way with force and by force.

As long as Sidney didn't fight him, as long as she did as she was told, she had nothing to worry about.

   But she didn't feel like a person anymore. She didn't even feel like half of one, but she did what she had to because she had to survive.

Of course, she didn't make things easy, she still fought him when he tried to leave. She tried to get the upper hand when he tried to tie her hands back together.

   Even though he told her not to act smart, she had to keep trying.

Sidney thought that maybe if she gained his trust, slowly, maybe he would let her go. Maybe he would be able to see that what he was doing was wrong. Just maybe.

She tried to count the days as they passed but it was hard, it felt like time didn't matter down there. So instead she would count the times he came to see her. She'd count the times he would look at his watch. She would count the times he would look at her in that way. That way that should make her heart skip a beat, but it didn't. Not anymore.

But she was gaining hope.

She thought that if she followed his rules and stopped fighting, maybe he would let her go. So she stopped fighting. She didn't talk back, she did as told. Everything would be okay, that's what she had to remind herself.

But that all changed when he stepped down into the room that day.

With a morning newspaper clutched tightly in his hand, and a look of gloom plastered on his face as he walked down the stone steps and towards a tied-up Sid.

"Everything okay, Nick?" She tried to sound sweet, tried to keep her tone as steady as it once had been when she actually enjoyed his company. She hoped he couldn't see through her, that he couldn't see that she hoped today was the day she had been waiting for.

"I want you to know that I did this for you, okay? I need you to remember that."

That was all he said, his words scared her.

What could he mean by that? What did he do? Those were the first things that popped in her mind as she started up at him before casting her eyes on the paper in his hand.

And then, all she could think of was Ziggy. Did he hurt her? Was she okay?

Feigning another smile she nodded slowly, "What are you talking about, of course..." She stumbled over her words, stuttering out of fear, something he quickly caught on to.

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